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firedLogSimpleRemoteEventscom.apple.iapdtoggleOnDemandPromptdeviceActivatedisDeviceCurrentlySyncingsendEventRecordToActiveApplication:sharedInstancemobileMusicPlayerConnectionworkoutInProgressworkoutStatesharedRunDataModelcom.apple.iapd.distributednotification.serverSTSupportA45com.apple.IAPiapconfigurationplistcan't read the iapconfiguration.plist file in the IAP framework '%@'can't find the iapconfiguration.plist file in the IAP frameworkcan't find the IAP frameworkIOAccessoryDevicePortIOAccessoryPortIOServicePublishcom.apple.mobileipod.notify.extendedModeAppleLanguagePreferencesChangedNotificationcom.apple.mobileipod-prefsChangedcom.apple.mobileipodProductTypelockdown connection failed '%@'DeviceClassNoIdleSleepAssertioncom.apple.iapd.acc-connecteduseHardcodedEmpedSerialNumberhardcodedEmpedSerialNumbercom.apple.mobileipod-VideoPlayer_serverRunLoop^{__CFRunLoop=}serverFlags{__serverFlags="deathBecomesUs"b1"serverExiting"b1"syncing"b1"reserved"b29}_accessoryEventHander^v_accessoryEQEventHandler_simpleRemoteEventHander_headsetEventHandler_digitalAudioEventHandler_mobileMusicPlayerConnectionI_hasSleepAssertionc_sleepAssertionId_activationState^{__CFBoolean=}_ioaccessoryPortAddedIterator_ioaccessoryNotifyPort^{IONotificationPort=}_deviceClass^{__CFString=}_deviceProductType_sleepAssertionTimer^{__CFRunLoopTimer=}accPowerDelayInMsI8@0:4sendAudioStateChangedNotificationv8@0:4@8@0:4_readyForSDA_bootCompleteiTunesSyncHasCompleted:v12@0:4i8iTunesSyncRequestedStartc8@0:4preventIdleSleep:deviceProductType^{__CFString=}8@0:4deviceClasscloseMobileMusicPlayerConnection_nts_closeMobileMusicPlayerConnection_musicPlayerPortClosed:v12@0:4@8isServerStoppingstopServer:forceNotExitingImmediately:v16@0:4i8c12stopServer:_pollForDeathAfterPromptCompletesrunMigServerdealloc_listenForAccessoryPortChanges_loadUpConfigurationFilesIAPServersaveCurrentWorkoutToFileperformSelector:withObject:afterDelay:detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:removeObserver:unregisterObserver:performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:addObserver:selector:name:object:defaultCenterregisterObserver:helperrunServerOnCurrentThreadloadDictionary:forBundleIdentifier:objectForKey:objectAtIndex:allKeysinitWithContentsOfURL:postNotificationName:userInfo:centerNamed:cStringUsingEncoding:stringForKey:boolForKey:addSuiteNamed:standardUserDefaultsstringWithCString:orderlingoNotificationlingoInterestheadsetNotification-kGSEventAccessoryConnectedkGSEventAccessoryRemoved[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryAvailabilityChanged lingoMask 0x%x availability:%skGSEventMaskKeyDownkGSEventMaskKeyUp[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryKeyStateChanged key:%d keyState:%@[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryEvent subtype:kIapRFTuner[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryEvent subtype:kIapAccessoryEQ[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryEvent subtype:kIapHeadsetInfo[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryEvent subtype:kIapAccessoryDeviceInfo[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryEvent subtype:kIapSportsNotification[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryEvent subtype:kIapSportsInfo[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:kGSEventAccessoryEvent subtype:%d[%@ sendEventRecord:toApp:] app:'%@' type:%d subtype:%dLogGSEvents_applicationList@"NSMutableArray"_orderList_lock{_opaque_pthread_mutex_t="__sig"l"__opaque"[40c]}v16@0:4@8@12canHandleHeadsetNotificationscanHandleLingoMask:@12@0:4I8registerStackClass:v12@0:4#8lingoTypeMaskgenerateHeadsetMessageArrived:c12@0:4c8generateAccessoryMessageapplicationWithIdentifierActivated:c12@0:4@8sendEventRecordToAllApplications:v12@0:4^{?=iI{CGPoint=ff}{CGPoint=ff}IQ^viiI[0C]}8sendEventRecord:toApp:c16@0:4^{?=iI{CGPoint=ff}{CGPoint=ff}IQ^viiI[0C]}8@12registerHeadsetApplication:registerApplication:order:c16@0:4@8@12applicationListPortStackremoveObjectAtIndex:indexOfObject:autoreleaseretainmakeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject:allValuesunsignedIntValueboolValuearrayselfclasssubstringToIndex:rangeOfString:com.apple.mobileslideshow-PhotosPlay/Pause is being ignored because Nike is running and not in a workout.loadSimpleRemote_headsetApplicationList_batteryUpdateTimer_firstBatteryUpdateTimer_sendHeadSetEvent:_setupBatteryTimerAccessoryManagerAccessoryEQAirplance mode ROE should be locked!!! Please report this immediately.Invalid mutexUnexpected return value 0x%08xAccessoryManagerEventHandler::EnableDebugDock -> Enabled debug dock %dAccessoryManagerEventHandler::EnableDebugDock could not set value for key kLockdownDebugDockPresentKey got error %dAccessoryManagerEventHandler::EnableDebugDock could not get a lockdown connectionevGroupedPreferencesStartedevGroupedPreferencesEndedevGroupedPreferencesCancelledevDeviceArrivedevDeviceLeftevDeviceAuthStartedevDeviceAuthPassedevDeviceAuthFailedevDeviceInfoAvailableevDeviceAvailableunknownIAP::SendISLNotification(%@) deviceid 0x%x accessoryid 0x%x supported lingos 0x%xDismissOnLockTOO_MANY_ACCESSORIES_TITLETOO_MANY_ACCESSORIES_MSGDISMISS_STRING&id%d=%@itms-apps://?action=accessory-lookup%@&bid=%@&accessoryName=%@&manufacturer=%@&modelNumber=%@&firmwareVersion=%@&hardwareVersion=%@&serialNumber=%@opening app store URL = %@ (%@)OKAY_STRINGiPhoneDEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_IPHONEDEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_IPODFIND_APP_FOR_ACCESSORY_TITLEFIND_APP_FOR_ACCESSORY_MSGNO_STRINGYES_STRINGNO_RECEIVER_REQUIRED_TITLENO_RECEIVER_REQUIRED_MSG_IPHONENO_RECEIVER_REQUIRED_MSG_IPODNOT_MADE_FOR_IPHONECHARGING_NOT_SUPPORTEDNOT_MADE_FOR_IPODNOT_AIRPLANE_MODE_CALLNOT_AIRPLANE_MODE_CALL_NO_CHARGENOT_AIRPLANE_MODENOT_AIRPLANE_MODE_NO_CHARGEAccessoryManagerEventHandler::SendISLNotification() got called and can't get accessory Details ignoringlocation accessory left code: connID=%dMicrophone arrivedMicrophone leftcom.apple.springboardSBShowVictorialocation accessory arrived code: connID=%dLogAttachEventsPSAirplaneModeChangedNotificationisLoggingEnabledURLWithString:stringByAppendingString:stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:lastObjectconnectedAccessoriesattachAccessory:resetdetachAccessory:fakedLocationDevicePresentdetachFakedLocationDevice:cancelGroupingsetIsGrouping:sharedManagererror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d error: assertion failed error == 0/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.0.Internal.sdk/usr/local/include/isl/Common/PodAppBase.hiPod_5GiPod_ClassiciPod_3G_nanovector::_M_insert_aux************* A previously unused function %s file:%s line:%d is now getting called please file a radar ************* /SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/Images.mmvirtual uint32_t ISL::ImageCollection::Id()ERROR - can't clear logged iap packets because the feature is disabledERROR - can't create plist for iap data:%@iap_log_%@.plistERROR - can't save iap log file to %@:%@iap packet log file saved to: %@Log file saved to: %sERROR - could not serialize iap logged packetsERROR - can't save logged iap packets because the feature is disabledLogIapPacketsUTF8StringwriteToURL:options:error:fileURLWithPath:stringByAppendingPathComponent:descriptionWithLocale:currentLocaleremoveAllObjectsdictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:dataWithBytes:length:datenumberWithUnsignedInt:/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/MediaLibrary.mmMediaLibrary::%s line:%dOffTraceRemoteUIDBlocalizedNameeqPresetForBuiltInPresetType:virtual bool ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndTrackReleaseDate(Index, TDateTime&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndSeasonEpisodeCount(Index, uint32_t&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndSeriesEpisodeCount(Index, uint32_t&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndSeriesSeasonCount(Index, uint32_t&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndGenreArtistCount(Index, uint32_t&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndGenreAlbumCount(Index, uint32_t&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAlbumTrackCount(Index, uint32_t&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAlbumArtistName(Index, TString&)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAlbumArtworkId(Index)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByReleaseDate()virtual TString ISL::MediaLibrary::GetLocalizedEQProfileName(uint32_t)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::GetNumEQProfiles()virtual ISL::SPlaylistHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetPlaylistHandle(uint64_t)virtual ISL::IPodTrackAccessor* ISL::MediaLibrary::GetTrackAccessor(uint64_t)virtual ISL::STrackHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetTrackHandle(uint64_t)virtual ISL::SPlaylistHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetAudiobookPlaylistHandle()virtual ISL::SPlaylistHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndVideoPlaylistHandle(Index)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::TopLevelVideoPlaylistCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::VideoPlaylistCount()virtual ISL::SPlaylistHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndTopLevelPlaylistHandle(Index)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::TopLevelPlaylistCount()virtual ISL::SPlaylistHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAllPlaylistHandle(Index)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::AllPlaylistCount()virtual ISL::SPlaylistHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndPlaylistHandle(Index)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::PlaylistCount()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::InvalidateLists()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndPodcastName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAudiobookName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndSeriesName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndComposerName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndGenreName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAlbumName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndArtistName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndTrackName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAllPlaylistName(Index, TString&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndPlaylistName(Index, TString&)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndSeason(Index)virtual ISL::SPodcastFilter ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndPodcast(Index)virtual ISL::SSeriesFilter ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndSeries(Index)virtual ISL::SComposerFilter ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndComposer(Index)virtual ISL::SGenreFilter ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndGenre(Index)virtual ISL::IPodImageCollection* ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAlbumArtwork(Index)virtual ISL::SAlbumFilter ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndAlbum(Index)virtual ISL::SArtistFilter ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndArtist(Index)virtual ISL::IPodTrackAccessor* ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndTrackAccessor(Index)virtual ISL::STrackHandle ISL::MediaLibrary::GetIndTrackHandle(Index)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::VideoPodcastCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::PodcastCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::AudiobookCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::SeasonCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::SeriesCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::ComposerCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::GenreCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::AlbumCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::ArtistCount()virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaLibrary::TrackCount()virtual bool ISL::MediaLibrary::IsTrackOrderReversed() constvirtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::ReverseTrackOrder(bool)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortBySeries()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortBySeason()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByPlaylistOrder()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByName()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByEpisode()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByComposer()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByGenre()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByAlbum()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SortByArtist()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedPodcastIndex()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedSeasonIndex()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedSeriesIndex()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedComposerIndex()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedGenreIndex()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedAlbumIndex()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedArtistIndex()virtual Index ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedPlaylistIndex()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetGroupCompilations(bool&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetFilterSpokenWord(bool&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectMediaKind(ISL::SMediaKind, ISL::SMediaKind)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedSeason(uint32_t&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedPodcast(ISL::SPodcastFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedSeries(ISL::SSeriesFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedComposer(ISL::SComposerFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedGenre(ISL::SGenreFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedAlbum(ISL::SAlbumFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedArtist(ISL::SArtistFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GetSelectedPlaylistHandle(ISL::SPlaylistHandle&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::GroupCompilations()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::FilterSpokenWord()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectSeason(uint32_t)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectVideoPlaylist(const ISL::SPlaylistHandle&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectVideoPlaylist(Index)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectTVSeries(Index)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectMusicVideosArtist(Index)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectMusicVideos()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectVideoPodCasts()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectTVShows()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectRentals()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectMovies()virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectPodcast(const ISL::SPodcastFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectSeries(const ISL::SSeriesFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectComposer(const ISL::SComposerFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectGenre(const ISL::SGenreFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectArtist(const ISL::SArtistFilter&)virtual void ISL::MediaLibrary::SelectPlaylist(const ISL::SPlaylistHandle&)%s - setting non-legacy volume support %d%s - setting legacy volume support %d/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/MediaVolumeMgr.mm%s - volume changing from %d to %d, preMute from %d to %d, notifyApp=%d%s - volume change was not significant enough to justify a changeMediaVolumeMgr::SetLineoutEnabled(%d)LogLineOutLogDeviceVolumeChangessetGroupedLineOutEnabled:isGroupingsetVolumeControlSupportedSetLegacyVolumeSupportvirtual void ISL::MediaVolumeMgr::DisableVolumeLimit()virtual void ISL::MediaVolumeMgr::EnableVolumeLimit()virtual void ISL::MediaVolumeMgr::SetVolumeLimit(uint32_t)SetVolumeMaster/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/SystemStatus.mmcom.apple.iapd.videoout.SettingsChangednotify system of changes to video out settingsiPod_UnknownSBBacklightLevel2com.apple.preferences.brightness-changedlockdown connection failed SystemStatus::GetLockdownKeyValue(%@)N/AIOPlatformExpertDevicemodel-numberMA146LLMB029LLMB253LLiPod.01A12345ABCDcom.apple.springboard.lockstateIODeviceTree:/compatibleM68N45N82N72N88com.apple.springboard-screenPrefsChangedLogVideoEventsIapImitateVideo %@ setting set to %@ - ignoring as duplicateVideo %@ setting set to %@OnAskOutvideoOutSettingsChangedhasPrefix:initWithUTF8String:virtual void ISL::SystemStatus::SetTVScan(ISL::IPodSystemStatus::tv_scan_t)virtual void ISL::SystemStatus::SetTVMacrovisionType(ISL::IPodSystemStatus::tv_macrovision_t)virtual void ISL::SystemStatus::SetDiskModeState(bool)virtual void ISL::SystemStatus::SetHoldSwitchState(bool)virtual int16_t ISL::SystemStatus::GetCurrBacklightBrightness() constvirtual void ISL::SystemStatus::SetCurrBacklightBrightness(int16_t)virtual int ISL::SystemStatus::GetCurrBacklightTimeoutSecs() constvirtual void ISL::SystemStatus::SetCurrBacklightTimeoutSecs(int)virtual void ISL::SystemStatus::PopBacklightValues()virtual void ISL::SystemStatus::PushBacklightValues(int, int16_t)virtual int ISL::SystemStatus::GetDefaultBacklightTimeoutSecs() constvirtual void ISL::SystemStatus::SetDefaultBacklightTimeoutSecs(int)/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/MediaPlayer.mmMediaPlayer::%s line:%dinvalid mmp repeat setting %dinvalid repeat setting %dinvalid mmp shuffle setting %dinvalid shuffle setting %dunknown playback mode = %dPCGetPlaybackState returned unknown playback state = %dMusicSoundCheckEnabledSettingNextTrackMimicsNextFromUIShuffledPlaybackAlwaysLoopsNextPrevTrackMimicsUIcom.apple.preferences.ipod-changedMusicEQPresetNameunknown audiobook speed %dMediaPlayer::PrepareNowPlaying SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier() failed: %@TraceMediaPlayerbuiltInPresetTypeeqPresetForName:namevirtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::GetTrackCaptions(uint64_t, Captions**)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaPlayer::ShuffleCount()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::AllowsPlayback()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::PlayingOTG()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::IsNowPlayingAllPodcasts()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::ReversedPlayOrder()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::RepeatAll()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::RepeatOne()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::ShuffleOn()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::Paused()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::Playing()virtual int32_t ISL::MediaPlayer::PeekPrev(int32_t)virtual int32_t ISL::MediaPlayer::PeekNext(int32_t)virtual ISL::IPodTrackAccessor* ISL::MediaPlayer::GetIndTrackAccessor(int32_t)virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::GetIndTrackHandle(int32_t, ISL::STrackHandle&)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaPlayer::TrackCount()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::CurrentTrackHandle(ISL::STrackHandle&)virtual int32_t ISL::MediaPlayer::CurrentIndex()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::RemoveIndTrack(int32_t)virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::AppendTracks(int32_t, ISL::SPlaylistHandle&, uint32_t, bool, ISL::IPodMediaLibrary*)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::AppendTrack(ISL::STrackHandle&)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::StepBackward()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::StepForward()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::Prev(ISL::NextPrevOption)virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::Next(ISL::NextPrevOption)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::Seek(uint32_t)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::StopFFRew()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::StartRewind(bool)virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::StartFastForward(bool)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::Stop()virtual uint32 ISL::MediaPlayer::GetVideoRotation()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::SetVideoRotation(uint32)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetIgnoreRepeatChange(bool)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetIgnoreShuffleChange(bool)virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::GetSoundCheckEnabledDefault()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetSoundCheckEnabledDefault(bool)virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::GetSoundCheckEnabled()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetSoundCheckEnabled(bool)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaPlayer::GetEQIndexDefault()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::SetEQIndexDefault(uint32_t)virtual uint32_t ISL::MediaPlayer::GetEQIndex()virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::SetEQIndex(uint32_t)virtual ISL::PodEQPreset ISL::MediaPlayer::GetEQ()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetEQ(ISL::PodEQPreset)virtual ISL::BookSpeed ISL::MediaPlayer::GetBookSpeedDefault()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetBookSpeedDefault(ISL::BookSpeed)virtual ISL::BookSpeed ISL::MediaPlayer::GetBookSpeed()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetBookSpeed(ISL::BookSpeed)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetHasBeenShuffled(bool)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::Reshuffle()virtual ISL::ShuffleMode ISL::MediaPlayer::GetShuffleDefault()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetShuffleDefault(ISL::ShuffleMode)virtual ISL::ShuffleMode ISL::MediaPlayer::GetShuffle()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetShuffle(ISL::ShuffleMode)virtual ISL::RepeatMode ISL::MediaPlayer::GetRepeatDefault()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetRepeatDefault(ISL::RepeatMode)virtual ISL::RepeatMode ISL::MediaPlayer::GetRepeat()virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetRepeat(ISL::RepeatMode)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::SetPlaybackMode(ISL::PlaybackMode)virtual void ISL::MediaPlayer::PrepareNowPlaying(ISL::ShuffleMode, ISL::RepeatMode)virtual bool ISL::MediaPlayer::PrepareNowPlaying(ISL::SPlaylistHandle&, int32_t, bool, ISL::ShuffleMode, ISL::RepeatMode, ISL::IPodMediaLibrary*)/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/TrackAccessor.mmDisableAlbumArtIAP_UNKNOWN_COMPOSERIAP_UNKNOWN_GENREvirtual uint8_t ISL::TrackAccessor::CpuLoad() constvirtual TDateTime ISL::TrackAccessor::LastSkipped() constvirtual uint32_t ISL::TrackAccessor::SkipCount() constvirtual uint32_t ISL::TrackAccessor::PlayCount() constvirtual uint16_t ISL::TrackAccessor::DiscNumber() constvirtual uint16_t ISL::TrackAccessor::Year() constvirtual uint32_t ISL::TrackAccessor::BitRate() constvirtual TDateTime ISL::TrackAccessor::Modified() constvirtual TDateTime ISL::TrackAccessor::Created() constvirtual void ISL::TrackAccessor::PodcastURL(TString&) constvirtual void ISL::TrackAccessor::Grouping(TString&) constvirtual void ISL::TrackAccessor::SortArtist(TString&) constvirtual uint64_t ISL::TrackAccessor::ArtworkSourceID() constvirtual uint32_t ISL::TrackAccessor::ArtworkID() constCan't create and IPodAccessoryMgr instance Can't create and IPodSimpleRemote instance Can't create and IPodAccessoryEQ instance HeadsetEventHandler::SendISLNotification() Headset is presentHeadsetEventHandler::SendISLNotification() Headset is not presentHeadsetEventHandler::PlugInDevice() plugin the deviceHeadsetEventHandler::PlugInDevice() BTAccessoryManagerPlugInDevice failed with error %d HeadsetEventHandler::GotAddress() About to register the device name is '%s' 0000HeadsetEventHandler::GotAddress() Here just registered the device, requesting the stateBTAccessoryManagerRegisterDevice failed with error %d iapd headsetevent handlerattaching to BT server failedLogHeadsetEventsHeadsetEventHandler::SendISLPropertyChange() Got battery levelHeadsetEventHandler::SendISLPropertyChange() Got addressHeadsetEventHandler::SendISLPropertyChange() Got state state is %d HeadsetEventHandler::SendISLPropertyChange() state is good pluggin in the deviceHeadsetEventHandler::SendISLPropertyChange() got the state and it zero and waitCount is %d Spawing the waiting threadHeadsetEventHandler::SendISLPropertyChange() Got name requesting address at 0/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/Power.mmIOAccessoryManagerIOServiceGetMatchingService returned an NULL object, didn't enable powerIOServiceOpen returned %x didn't enable power IOAccessoryManagerConfigurePower returned %x didn't enable power warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Could not find IOAccessoryManager service warning: assertion failed: Could not find IOAccessoryManager service falseIOAccessoryPowerModewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Incorrect power state returnedwarning: assertion failed: Incorrect power state returnedwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Retrieving the power state failedwarning: assertion failed: Retrieving the power state failedwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: error setting power mode %ld: %#x warning: assertion failed: error setting power mode %ld: %#x ret == 0warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed to create CFNumberRefwarning: assertion failed: Failed to create CFNumberRefIOPMPowerSourceIOServiceFirstMatchCurrentCapacityMaxCapacityExternalConnectedIsChargingExternalChargeCapableAdapterInfoLogPowerSourceEventspower source = batterypower source = usb charging at %d milliampsAmperagepower source = fwpower source = unsupportedpower source = unknown (%p)IOGeneralInterestERROR - Power listener is NULLintValuevirtual bool ISL::Power::IsHibernationDelayNeeded()com.apple.PreferencesIAPLoggingMediaiTunes_ControlDevicecouldn't get io service forceNikeOverBTSupportEnabledgetCString:maxLength:encoding:lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:FrameworkIAP_UNKNOWNIAP_ALLIAP_MOVIESIAP_TVSHOWSIAP_MUSICVIDEOSIAP_VIDEOPODCASTSIAP_SEASONIAP_RENTALSunknown loc string %dendeesfritjazhcom.apple.language.changedlocalizedStringForKey:value:table:bundleWithIdentifier:compare:options:range:preferredLanguagesLogSportsEvents%s param=%derror creating workout info objectsetPlaylistName:propertyListFromData:mutabilityOption:format:errorDescription:initWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:playPowerSongresetWorkoutpathurltotalDistanceMilesfarthestMiletotalSecondstotalCaloriesnumberWithUnsignedInteger:totalWorkoutsempedPreferencesbestWorkoutTimesstringWithCString:encoding:dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:numberWithDouble:numberWithFloat:numberWithInt:arrayWithObjects:currentWorkoutInfononDistanceWorkoutParameterdistanceWorkoutParameterInNativeUnitsdistanceWorkoutParameterUnitworkoutTypesetWorkoutType:parameter:isPreset:distanceUnit:latestWorkoutSummaryworkoutSummariescalibrateFromCurrentWorkout:finishStandardCalibrationresetCalibrationForRun:forWalk:isCalibratedForWalk:forRun:deactivateResourcesactivateResources_IAPServerXXSportsSetSDAMode_IAPServerXXSportsSetPlaylistName_IAPServerXXSportsTogglePauseResumeEventFromHeadset_IAPServerXXSportsToggleOnDemandPrompt_IAPServerXXSportsPlayPowerSong_IAPServerXXSportsSaveAndResetCurrentWorkout_IAPServerXXSportsCopyWorkoutTotals_IAPServerXXSportsCopyBestWorkoutTimes_IAPServerXXSportsGetEmpedFGSN_IAPServerXXSportsGetCurrentWorkoutInfo_IAPServerXXSportsGetWorkoutParameter_IAPServerXXSportsGetWorkoutType_IAPServerXXSportsSetWorkoutType_IAPServerXXSportsGetLatestWorkoutSummary_IAPServerXXSportsCopyAllWorkoutSummaries_IAPServerXXSportsCalibrateFromCurrentWorkout_IAPServerXXSportsSaveStandardCalibration_IAPServerXXSportsGetState_IAPServerXXSportsSetState_IAPServerXXSportsUnlinkRemote_IAPServerXXSportsStopSearching_IAPServerXXSportsStartSearching_IAPServerXXSportsGetEmpedSearchState_IAPServerXXSportsStopSensorLinking_IAPServerXXSportsStartSensorLinking_IAPServerXXSportsWirelessReceiverIsAttached_IAPServerXXSportsResetCalibration_IAPServerXXSportsIsCalibrated_IAPServerXXSportsIsLinked_IAPServerXXSportsIsExternalReceiverAttached_IAPServerXXSportsIsExternalReceiverRequired_IAPServerXXSportsGetResourcesState_IAPServerXXSportsAreResourcesActivated_IAPServerXXSportsResourcesDeactivate_IAPServerXXSportsResourcesActivatememory allocation failedxmlversion1.0sportsDataversworkoutNametimedurationdurationStringdistancedistanceStringmikmpacecaloriesbatterytemplatetemplateIDtemplateNameplaylistListplaylistplaylistNameuserInfoempedIDweightdevicecalibrationstartTimerunSummarysnapShotListsnapShotTypesnapShoteventextendedDataListextendedDatadataTypeintervalTypeintervalUnitintervalValuetypeunitgoalvaluestepCountswalkBeginwalkEndrunBeginrunEndpowerSongtitleartistalbumlifetimebatteryLifetimecalibratedLifetimeRunMilescalibratedLifetimeWalkMilesuncalibratedLifetimeRunMilesuncalibratedLifetimeWalkMilesipodInfomodelsoftwareVersionserialNumber_eventTypei_distanceInKmf_timeInSecondsd_paceInSecondsPerKmeventTypei8@0:4distanceInKmf8@0:4timeInSecondsd8@0:4paceInSecondsPerKminitWithEventType:distanceInMiles:timeInSeconds:paceInSecondsPerMile:@28@0:4i8f12d16f24initWithEventType:distanceInKm:timeInSeconds:paceInSecondsPerKm:Tf,R,N,V_paceInSecondsPerKmTd,R,N,V_timeInSecondsTf,R,N,V_distanceInKmTi,R,N,V_eventTypeSportsSnapshotpreferences.xmlTemplatesminutes.%lldtime.custompauseresumeonDemandVPstop%s-prefsChanged%dBasicTimeDistanceCalorieserror creating all workout summary object for %@, %d keys and %d objectsError parsing workout file %@: vers=%@ error=%dAdjustCalibRunAdjustCalibWalk%s: unknown workout type %ddistance unit not valid when trying to start a distance workout, setting unit to miles-[SportsRunDataModel processPacket:timeStamp:syncStopwatch:] FeedPacketPayload failedcan't use current workout for calibration type=%dcouldn't use workout for calibration, status = %dcouldn't save calibration because the proper workout type wasn't used = %d%04d-%02d-%02d %02d;%02d;%02d.xmlMarathonHalfMarathonmiles.%lldkilometers.%lldcan't load template for distance workout because units are incorrectdistance.customcalories.%lldcalories.customlatestsyncheds%.3fEmpedSettingsTotalWorkoutsTotalCaloriesTotalSeconds%.fMostCaloriesTotal5KTotal10KTotalMarathonTotalHalfMarathonFarthestMile%.02fTotalDistanceMilesTotalWeightWorkoutsWeight%.1fcan't create place to put workout file at %@lastWorkout.xmlcould not save workoutcan't create place to put bests file at %@bests.plistCould not write to %@Trainer/Workouts/EmpedsNewUsercalibration.xmlerror creating latest workout summary object, %d keys and %d objectsSTUserWeightSTDistanceUnitscould not calibrate for %f milescan't create emped directory at %@CalibrationParamsCalibrationWalkDateCalibrationRunDateCalibration data saved successfullyError writing calibration data - %@Error creating calibration plist - %@Error calibration data length was incorrectError saving calibration because there is no FGSNformat error in pace model params, size=%d bytesconverting calibration data to plist failed = %@could not open calibration file - %@%s/%s/%sworkouts of type %d cannot be saved%s%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d%.04f%.02f %s%s min/mi%ld%fpowerSongPersistentUIDStringcom.apple.nike%quen-USsecWrong unit for distance goaled workout %d%.01fcalan incorrect workout type (%d) detected while writing the goaluserClickkmSplitmileSplit10%0.4f, _currentWorkout{__IAPSportsInfo="type"i"currentPace"f"elapsedMiles"f"paceMin"f"paceMean"f"paceMax"f"caloriesBurned"I"onTimeRemaining"C"workoutStartTime"d"totalStepTime"d"canUseForWalkCalibration"B"canUseForRunCalibration"B"validCalibrationMinInMiles"f"validCalibrationMaxInMiles"f}_workoutInProgress_workoutStartTime_startTime_lastPauseTime_type_parameter_distanceUnitFromWorkout_isPresetb1_workoutTimer_weightInLbs_distanceUnitFromPreference_distanceUnitFromGoal_runDataInKilometers_currentWorkoutPath@"NSString"_trainerTemplate^{TTrainerTemplateEx=^^?{templInfo="tmplID"{TString="_vptr$TString"^^?"fBuffer"*}"formatVer"{TString="_vptr$TString"^^?"fBuffer"*}"tmplVer"{TString="_vptr$TString"^^?"fBuffer"*}"category"{TString="_vptr$TString"^^?"fBuffer"*}"sortHint"i}{vector >="_M_impl"{_Vector_impl="_M_start"^{?}"_M_finish"^{?}"_M_end_of_storage"^{?}}}{vector >="_M_impl"{_Vector_impl="_M_start"^{?}"_M_finish"^{?}"_M_end_of_storage"^{?}}}{goalInfo="units"{TString="_vptr$TString"^^?"fBuffer"*}"goal"f}{vector >="_M_impl"{_Vector_impl="_M_start"^{voicePromptType}"_M_finish"^{voicePromptType}"_M_end_of_storage"^{voicePromptType}}}i}_beginRunStepCountL_beginWalkStepCount_endRunStepCount_endWalkStepCount_empedFGSN_calibratedForWalkDate@"NSDate"_calibratedForRunDate_paceModelCalibrationParamsAsHex[65c]_areVoicesLoaded_runDataTimer@"NSTimer"_runDataTimeLeftOnTimerWhenPausedInSeconds_userClickSportsSnapshots_kilometerSplitSportsSnapshots_mileSplitSportsSnapshots_bestsArray@"SportsBestsArray"_workoutState_playlistName_distancesToBestInMilesareVoicesLoadedweightInLbsdistanceUnitFromPreference_reloadVoicesv16@0:4^c8^c12c12@0:4f8c16@0:4c8c12saveCalibrationToFileloadCalibrationFromFile_runDataTimerFired:_stopRunDataTimer_resumeRunDataTimer_pauseRunDataTimer_startRunDataTimerunloadVoicesloadVoicesupdateVictoriaPreferences_workoutSummaryForFile:@12@0:4@8_calculateAndSaveBestsBeatS8@0:4_bestsFromOldWorkoutFiles_bestsFilePath_linkedEmpedDirectory_saveEmpedPreferencesFilesaveCurrentWorkoutToFile:withSnapshots:v16@0:4@8c12_templatePathWithName:_templatePathForTime_templatePathForDistance_templatePathForCalories_templatePath_rundataFileName{__IAPSportsInfo=ifffffICddBBff}8@0:4_stopWorkoutTimer_startWorkoutTimer_ticktrainerTemplate^{TTrainerTemplateEx=^^?{templInfo={TString=^^?*}{TString=^^?*}{TString=^^?*}{TString=^^?*}i}{vector >={_Vector_impl=^{?}^{?}^{?}}}{vector >={_Vector_impl=^{?}^{?}^{?}}}{goalInfo={TString=^^?*}f}{vector >={_Vector_impl=^{voicePromptType}^{voicePromptType}^{voicePromptType}}}i}8@0:4isPresetv24@0:4i8f12c16i20workoutDuration_stop_pause_start_resume_checkCurrentRunDataForSplits_updateCurrentRunData_sendOutCurrentRunDatahandleStateChange:processPacket:timeStamp:v16@0:4*8I12isCalibratingT@"NSString",C,N,V_playlistNameTi,R,N,V_distanceUnitFromPreferenceTf,R,N,V_weightInLbsTc,R,N,V_areVoicesLoadedTc,R,N,V_workoutInProgressTi,R,N,V_workoutStateSportsRunDataModelxmlName*8@0:4T*,R,NXMLSerializationwriteToFile:options:error:copydataWithContentsOfFile:options:error:timeIntervalinvalidateaddTimeInterval:timeIntervalSinceNowfireDateaddTimer:forMode:currentRunLoopinitWithFireDate:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:integerForKey:floatForKey:paceInSecondsPerMiledurationInSecondsdistanceInMilesgoalParametergoalParameterUnitparseErrorcompare:dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:fileExistsAtPath:isDirectory:rangeOfString:options:nextObjectwriteToFile:atomically:valuesisEqualToString:enumeratorAtPath:dictionarydictionaryWithContentsOfFile:doubleValuecurrentBestsForDistancestotalWeightWorkoutstotalHalfMarathontotalMarathontotal10Ktotal5KmostCaloriesfileSystemRepresentationfileExistsAtPath:fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:defaultManagerfloatValuestringWithString:pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:initWithDistancesToBestInMiles:dictionaryWithObject:forKey:addRecordWithDistanceInMiles:duration:initWithFormat:initWithCapacity:com.apple.%sDEMO_MODE_ACTIVATED_TITLEDEMO_MODE_ACTIVATED_MSGSportsEventHandler::%s line:%dHandleEmpedSearchStatusChanged with unknown state %dHandleWirelessReceiverStateChanged with unknown state %dSportsEventHandler::%s line:%d %sprSportsEmpedDataPayloadprSportsShoeLinkingStateprSportsRemoteEventprSportsUpdatedShoeLinkDataprSportsUpdatedRemoteLinkDataprSportsRemoteDetectedprSportsVersionprSportsFilterListprSportsModeprSportsDeviceAddressprSportsWindowTimingprSportsLanDataRateprSportsTxdBeaconFrameprStorageDeviceReadStateprStorageDeviceWriteStateprSportsSdaActivatedCan't deactivate resources, not currently active.evReadyevWirelessReceiverStateChangedevSportsLinkChangedevShoeSensorSearchStatusChangedevNotifyTransmitBeaconevNotifyWirelessRcvrFileReadevSportsSetLinkevSportsCancelLinkevSportsFinishWriteDataToRcvrevNotReadyERROR - %s:%s - %d requesting BT Nike support before BT is initialized reloadVoicesSportsEventHandlerHelpervirtual void SportsEventHandler::HandleEmpedDataPayload()void SportsEventHandler::StopShoeSensorLinking()virtual void SportsEventHandler::HandleSetLink(ISL::SportsLinkInfo*)virtual IAPSportsTrainerStateType SportsEventHandler::GetState()virtual void SportsEventHandler::SetState(IAPSportsTrainerStateType)virtual void SportsEventHandler::SendISLPropertyChange(ISL::propertyid_t, ISL::eventarg_t)virtual void SportsEventHandler::SendISLNotification(ISL::notid_t, ISL::eventarg_t, ISL::eventarg_t)Sportsdate could not be extracted from workout file_parseErrorB_empedID_date_workoutType_version_distanceInMiles@"NSNumber"_calories_durationInSeconds_paceInSecondsPerMile_goalParameter_goalParameterUnit_recordFoundCharacters_foundCharacters_inRunSummary_didSetPaceB8@0:4parser:validationErrorOccurred:parser:parseErrorOccurred:parser:didStartElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:attributes:v28@0:4@8@12@16@20@24parser:foundCharacters:parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:v24@0:4@8@12@16@20parserDidStartDocument:T@"NSString",R,V_goalParameterUnitT@"NSNumber",R,V_goalParameterT@"NSNumber",R,V_paceInSecondsPerMileT@"NSNumber",R,V_durationInSecondsT@"NSNumber",R,V_caloriesT@"NSNumber",R,V_distanceInMilesT@"NSString",R,V_versionT@"NSString",R,V_workoutTypeT@"NSDate",R,V_dateT@"NSString",R,V_empedIDTB,R,V_parseErrorWorkoutSummaryinitWithString:initWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone:timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:initWithDouble:initWithInt:initWithFloat:parsesetDelegate:%lu.%sSTSpokenFeedbackunknown voice type %dwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TrainerApp::GetWorkoutGoalInNativeUnits: Unknown category.warning: assertion failed: TrainerApp::GetWorkoutGoalInNativeUnits: Unknown category./SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/Sports/TrainerApp.mmresourcePathGymUserscom.apple.mobile.iTunes.accessoriesIDadding user with ID=%s to checkpoint failedEmpedsadding emped with ID=%d to checkpoint failedunsignedIntegerValue%02ld:%02ld:%02ld%02ld:%02ldsubstringWithRange:_totalWorkouts_totalCalories_totalSeconds_mostCalories_total5K_total10K_totalMarathon_totalHalfMarathon_farthestMile_totalDistanceMiles_totalWeightWorkouts_weight@"NSMutableString"_url@"NSURL"initializeparseWeightparseTotalWeightWorkoutsparseTotalDistanceMilesparseFarthestMileparseTotalHalfMarathonparseTotalMarathonparseTotal10KparseTotal5KparseMostCaloriesparseTotalSecondsparseTotalCaloriesparseTotalWorkoutsTd,R,V_weightTI,R,V_totalWeightWorkoutsTf,R,V_totalDistanceMilesTf,R,V_farthestMileTI,R,V_totalHalfMarathonTI,R,V_totalMarathonTI,R,V_total10KTI,R,V_total5KTI,R,V_mostCaloriesTI,R,V_totalSecondsTI,R,V_totalCaloriesTI,R,V_totalWorkoutsSportsEmpedPreferencesintegerValueperformSelector:appendString:setString:initWithObjects:forKeys:count:_records^{vector >={_Vector_impl="_M_start"^{SportsDistanceRecord}"_M_finish"^{SportsDistanceRecord}"_M_end_of_storage"^{SportsDistanceRecord}}}_bests^{vector >={_Vector_impl="_M_start"^{SportsBestDurationForDistance}"_M_finish"^{SportsBestDurationForDistance}"_M_end_of_storage"^{SportsBestDurationForDistance}}}v20@0:4f8d12SportsBestsArraydictionaryWithCapacity: ,_extendedDataList_foundAttributes@"NSDictionary"_found_extendedDataList_found_extendedDataT@"NSArray",R,V_extendedDataListWorkoutExtendedDataList_dataType_intervalType_intervalUnit_intervalValue_values@"NSArray"initWithDataType:intervalType:intervalUnit:intervalValue:values:@28@0:4@8@12@16@20@24T@"NSArray",R,V_valuesT@"NSNumber",R,V_intervalValueT@"NSString",R,V_intervalUnitT@"NSString",R,V_intervalTypeT@"NSString",R,V_dataTypeWorkoutExtendedDatascanFloat:setCharactersToBeSkipped:characterSetWithCharactersInString:%s:%s %s/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/IAPMicrophoneEventHandler.mmevMicrophoneArrivedevMicrophoneAuthStartedevMicrophoneAuthenticatedevMicrophoneAuthFailedevMicrophoneLeftevAudioInputRouteChangedevMicrophoneCommandSuccessevMicrophoneCommandFailureevRecordingStartedevRecordingPausedevRecordingStoppedevRecordingCancelledevDiskFullevMaxFileSizeReached%s:%s %s %dunknown eventprCapabilitiesprRecordModeprRecordLevelprRecordLevelLimitprVoiceSignalProcessingunknown propertyLogMicrophoneEvents_stateChangeDebouceTimermicrophoneStateChangeDebouceTimeoutmicrophoneStateChangedNotificationsendMicrophoneStateChangedNotificationIAPMicrophoneEventHandlerHelpermainRunLoopdateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:SendISLPropertyChangeSendISLNotificationERROR - %s:%s - %d couldn't find session for connectionID=%d and sessionID=%d/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IPC/server/IAPApp_server_implementation.mmERROR - %s:%s - %d creating session failed for connectionID=%d and protocolID=%d.ERROR - %s:%s - %d can't find accessory with connectionID=%d.closeSessionForConnectionID:sessionID:openPipeToAppopenPipeFromAppsessionForAccessoryWithConnectionID:andSessionID:openSessionForClientID:connetionID:protocolID:sessionID:accessoryForConnectionID:newPlistForAccessory:addClient:_IAPServerXXOpenSessionFromAccessoryToApp_IAPServerXXOpenSessionFromAppToAccessory_IAPServerXXCreateSessionForAccessory_IAPServerXXConnectedAccessoriesABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/accessory details for a location accessory cannot be blankERROR - %s:%s - %d couldn't find client for mach port %p/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/EAManager.mmERROR - %s:%s - %d already have client for mach port %pEA accessory with connectionID=%@ detachedERROR - %s:%s - %d unable to close session %d for connectionID %dERROR - %s:%s - %d unable to find session %d for connectionID %dERROR - %s:%s - %d client %p isn't registered%@,trying to set filtering on an location accessory (%p) that either doesn't exist or doesn't support filtering..%s/%sERROR - %s:%s - %d couldn't delete %s errno = %dLogEAEventsERROR - %s:%s - %d got a NULL protocolStringEA accessory with connectionID=%@ attachedEAManagerWriteDataLockKey_connectedAccessories@"NSMutableDictionary"_connectedAccessoriesLock@"NSLock"_fakedLocationDevicePresent_fakedLocationDeviceEnabled_fakedLocationDeviceFilteringSupport_fakedLocationDevice_clients_clientLockgenerateClientIDstringForClientID:stringForSessionID:@12@0:4S8setFakedLocationDeviceFilteringSupport:v12@0:4c8fakedLocationDeviceFilteringSupport_shouldPostNoAppAlert:setFakedLocationDeviceEnabled:forClientID:v16@0:4c8I12isFakedLocationDeviceEnabledfakedLocationDeviceFilteringSupport:fakedLocationDeviceSetFilter:fakedLocationRequestGPSTimefakedLocationDeviceEphemerisRefreshIntervalAvailablefakedLocationDeviceEphemerisMaxIntervalAvailablefakedLocationDeviceEphemerisURLAvailablefakedLocationDevicePointDataAvailablefakedLocationDeviceNMEAAvailablev12@0:4r^{IPodAccessoryDetails=^^?}8attachFakedLocationDevice:writeDataToAccessoryWithConnectionID:v12@0:4L8c16@0:4L8S12v24@0:4I8L12C16S20@16@0:4L8S12removeClient:v12@0:4I8I12@0:4I8T@"NSArray",R,NTc,N,V_fakedLocationDeviceFilteringSupportTc,R,N,V_fakedLocationDevicePresentEAManagerclientIDForLocationClientstringByAppendingFormat:stringaddObjectsFromArray:writeBytesclosePipeFromAppinitWithClientID:connectionID:protocolID:sessionID:removeObjectForKey:sessionIDconnectionIDsetLocationSupportedByClient:locationSupportedByClientcfMachPortunlockclientIDsetClientID:setCfMachPort:setMachPort:lockmachPort-[EAManager addClient:]EAMAnagerAccessorySessions-[EAManager removeClient:]-[EAManager attachAccessory:]-[EAManager closeSessionForConnectionID:sessionID:]com.apple.iap.location-[EAManager setFakedLocationDeviceEnabled:forClientID:]+[EAManager sharedManager]iapd ea rx data: %02x,ERROR - %s:%s - %d accessory for connectionID=%d and sessionID=%d not found/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/SessionEventHandler.mmsendDataToApp:length:SendISLNotificationunknown call status, setting to idleERROR - %s:%s - %d no ephemeris data/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IPC/server/IAPLocation_server_implementation.mmERROR - %s:%s - %d couldn't find location accessory for connectionIDlocation accessory with connectionID=%p not foundarrayWithObject:_IAPServerXXLocationSendEphemeris_IAPServerXXLocationSendEphemerisPointData_IAPServerXXLocationSendGPSTimeuseTestEphemerisURLusing fake ephemeris file: %@Location Event: %@evLocDeviceReadyERROR - no accDetails for location accessory with connectionID = %ddevice not found for connectionID = %devLocDataAvail_NMEAFilteringevLocDataAvail_NMEASentenceERROR - string returned from GetNMEASentence was invalid.evLocDataAvail_LocationAsyncNotificationsevLocDataAvail_LocationPointDataevLocDataAvail_SatelliteEphemerisevLocDataAvail_SatelliteEphemerisURLevLocDataAvail_SatelliteEphemerisMaxIntervalevLocDataAvail_SatelliteEphemerisRecIntervalevLocDataAvail_GPSTimeRequestLogLocationEventscom.apple.iapd-bt-%d-%d_res == 0/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAP/link/IapPortBT.mmpRxdPacket != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Attempting to close non-open com port warning: assertion failed: Attempting to close non-open com port warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed getting BT com port: %d warning: assertion failed: Failed getting BT com port: %d warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: unknown port type: %d warning: assertion failed: unknown port type: %d warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: pthread_create failed: %s warning: assertion failed: pthread_create failed: %s warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: open %s failed: %s warning: assertion failed: open %s failed: %s warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: write failed: %s warning: assertion failed: write failed: %s ppTxdPackets != __nullpacketCount != 0pBurstBuff != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: write failed: %swarning: assertion failed: write failed: %swarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: read failed: %s warning: assertion failed: read failed: %s warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: invalid packet: 0x%02x warning: assertion failed: invalid packet: 0x%02x warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: invalid packet: 0x0d 0x%02x warning: assertion failed: invalid packet: 0x0d 0x%02x warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: invalid packet: 0x0e 0x%#x warning: assertion failed: invalid packet: 0x0e 0x%#x warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: invalid start of packet byte: 0x%#x warning: assertion failed: invalid start of packet byte: 0x%#x warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: invalid checksum: 0x%#x warning: assertion failed: invalid checksum: 0x%#x m_pProtocolMgr != __nullIAPSessionmust call initWithConnectionID:protocolID:sessionID:%@ clientID=%d connectionID=%d protocolID=%d sessionID=%dfailed to create out pipe at %s for connetionID=%d and sessionID=%d, errno=%dsuccess at creating out pipe at %s for connetionID=%d and sessionID=%d, errno=%dfailed to create in pipe at %s for connetionID=%d and sessionID=%d, errno=%dsuccess at creating in pipe at %s for connetionID=%d and sessionID=%d, errno=%dERROR - %s:%s - %d couldn't find accessory for connectionID %d/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/IAPSession.mmERROR - %s:%s - %d close connection to app before dealloc'ingERROR - %s:%s - %d could not open pipe for connectionID=%d sessionID=%d from app at path=%s, error=%dSUCCESS - %s:%s - %d session=%d for connectionID=%d opened pipe from app at %sERROR - %s:%s - %d could not open pipe for connectionID=%d sessionID=%d to app at path=%s, error=%dSUCCESS - %s:%s - %d session=%d for connectionID=%d opened pipe to app at %sERROR - %s:%s - %d select failedERROR - %s:%s - %d select timed outERROR - %s:%s - %d session=%d for connectionID=%d failed to write bytes, errno = %dERROR - %s:%s - %d session=%d for connectionID=%d wrote %d bytes but should have written %d, errno = %dERROR - %s:%s - %d error waiting for read data, errno = %diapd read %d bytes from clientERROR - %s:%s - %d unknown error waiting for read data, %d_accessory_clientID_connectionID_protocolID_sessionID_infd_outfd_outfdSet{fd_set="fds_bits"[32i]}_readBuffer*_readData@"NSMutableData"_readThread@"NSThread"setConnectionID:setSessionID:v16@0:4r*8i12@24@0:4I8I12I16I20descriptionTI,N,V_sessionIDTI,N,V_connectionIDTI,N,V_clientIDappendBytes:length:isCancelledreplaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:cancelstartinitWithTarget:selector:object:raise:format:-[IAPSession initWithClientID:connectionID:protocolID:sessionID:]-[IAPSession dealloc]-[IAPSession openPipeToApp]-[IAPSession openPipeFromApp]-[IAPSession sendDataToApp:length:]-[IAPSession _readData]ERROR - %s:%s - %d there is already a client (%p) supporting location/SourceCache/iapd/iapd-427.4/EAClient.mm_machPort_cfMachPort^{__CFMachPort=}^{__CFMachPort=}8@0:4v12@0:4^{__CFMachPort=}8Tc,N,V_locationSupportedByClientT^{__CFMachPort=},N,V_cfMachPortTI,N,V_machPortEAClient-[EAClient setLocationSupportedByClient:]_isGrouping_groupedCommandFlags{groupedCommandFlags="videoOutSettingsChanged"b1"lineOutChanged"b1"reserved"b30}_lineOutEnabledgroupedLineOutEnabledapplyGroupingTc,NTc,N,V_isGroupingIAPGroupedCommandManagerN4OSAL3KAL21CallbackTimerNotifierE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/OSAL/Build/Xcode/../../Source/IPC/MessageQueues.cppmWaiting == falseinEnvelope.mWaiting == trueinEnvelope.mWaiting == falsemFreeQueue.mList.size() == static_cast(inMessages)AcknowledgeRecycleReceiveSendInit/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/OSAL/Build/Xcode/../../Source/POSIX/Locks.cppmError == 0InitN4OSAL3KAL8TimebaseE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/OSAL/Build/Xcode/../../Source/TimerManager.cpphandle == NULLtimebase == kTimeOfDayit != NULLTimer status = %lx status == 0 || status == ETIMEDOUTtm != NULLTimerManagerThread.GetError() == 0TimerThreadThreadTrampolineSetTimeDestroyTimerCreateTimerTimerManagerfromLingo == kIapLingoAccessoryEQ/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TAccessoryEQ.cpppayloadSize == sizeof(int32)N3ISL12TAccessoryEQEeraseCount == 1/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TAccessoryMgr.cppinfo: WARNING: new accessory returning same connection ID as disconnected one: 0x%08lx warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: (0x%08lx) connection ID mismatch (0x%08lx != 0x%08lx) warning: assertion failed: (0x%08lx) connection ID mismatch (0x%08lx != 0x%08lx) theAccessory->fConnectionID == connectionIDinfo: (0x%08lx) accessory ID changed (%ld != %ld) info: (0x%08lx) device ID changed (%ld != %ld) info: (0x%08lx) device lingos changed (0x%08lx != 0x%08lx) info: (0x%08lx) port changed (%ld != %ld) lingo == kIapLingoGeneralpayloadSize == sizeof(iPodAccessoryEventData)accessory != __nullN3ISL13TAccessoryMgrEN3ISL17TAccessoryDetailsElingo == kIapLingoSimpleRemote/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TSimpleRemote.cpppayloadSize == sizeof(IapSimpleRemoteData_t)payloadSize == sizeof(IapSimpleRemoteMikeyData_t)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Simple Remote Msg %d not handled warning: assertion failed: Simple Remote Msg %d not handled N3ISL13TSimpleRemoteE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapContext.cppsyncSemaphore != __nullmsgQueueCount <= kIapMsgPriorityCountN3IAP10IapContextE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapIncomingProcess.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Could not start destroying connection stack: handle=%xh incomingProcess=%xh pMsg=%xh warning: assertion failed: Could not start destroying connection stack: handle=%xh incomingProcess=%xh pMsg=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Could not send stop message to incoming process thread: this=%xh pMsg=%xh warning: assertion failed: Could not send stop message to incoming process thread: this=%xh pMsg=%xh TimerID < MAX_PROCESS_TIMERSmTimers[TimerID].GetTimer() != __nullpMsgmsgPriority == kIapMsgPriorityLowmQueuePacketCount[msgPriority] <= ISL::IPodPlatform::kPacketInMsgQueueSizemIapHandle != __nulllingo < kIapLingoCountwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: cmdValid=%xh lingo(%xh) cmd(%xh) warning: assertion failed: cmdValid=%xh lingo(%xh) cmd(%xh) cmdValid == kIapLingoCmdValidOkaywarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: NO Lingo object, cannot process lingo(%xh) cmd(%xh) warning: assertion failed: NO Lingo object, cannot process lingo(%xh) cmd(%xh) cmdValid != kIapLingoCmdValidPortLockoutpIdentifyPkt != __nullpLingo != __nullcurrPktbytesConsumed == numBytesinPayload != __nullerror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapIncomingProcess::HandleParamsMsgPayload: unknown type 0x%08X error: assertion failed: CIapIncomingProcess::HandleParamsMsgPayload: unknown type 0x%08X warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Lingo Object does not exist for handle=%xh lingo=%xh warning: assertion failed: Lingo Object does not exist for handle=%xh lingo=%xh CIapIncomingProcessThreadwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapIncomingProcess::HandleMessage: unknown type 0x%08x warning: assertion failed: CIapIncomingProcess::HandleMessage: unknown type 0x%08x 19CIapIncomingProcesspAccEqIndex != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoAccessoryEQ.cpppAccEqName != __nullpMaxAccEqLen != __null*pMaxAccEqLen < 255*pMaxAccEqLen > 1pAccEqCount != __nullpAccEqLingo != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Invalid command ID %hu received warning: assertion failed: Invalid command ID %hu received 20CIapLingoAccessoryEQ/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoBase.cpppThisNode != __nullpPrevNode != __nullpPrevNode->pNextNode == pThisNodepUtf8String != __nullstrLenBytes >= 1pPodExtendedModeMgr != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No IncomingProcessObject! handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: No IncomingProcessObject! handle=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Cannot get IncomingProcess object, cannot RegisterTimer warning: assertion failed: Cannot get IncomingProcess object, cannot RegisterTimer m_cmdQueueTimer != 0xFFFFFFFFhandle!=__nulltp != __nullpCmdQueue->pNextNode != __nulls_artLib != __nullformatCount != 0warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Cannot get IncomingProcess object, cannot DeleteTimer(%d) warning: assertion failed: Cannot get IncomingProcess object, cannot DeleteTimer(%d) pPktData != __null13CIapLingoBase(ipodVolumeLevel - m_VolumeMinThresh) <= kIapDisplayRemoteVolumeMax/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoDisplayRemote.h/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoDisplayRemote.cppdataLen == 1pRxdPacket->GetDevicePortId () < kIapDevicePortCount(stateData.infoLen > 1) && (stateData.infoLen < (5 * sizeof (uint32_t)))warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: handle=%xh devPort=%d lingo=%d cmd=%d warning: assertion failed: handle=%xh devPort=%d lingo=%d cmd=%d m_IapConnectionHandle != __null && pTxdPacket->GetDevicePortId() != kIapDevicePortNull && pTxdPacket->GetDevicePortId() < kIapDevicePortCount(stateData.infoLen - 1) == m_EventStateChgCmp [infoType].stateDataLen(stateData.infoLen - 1) == m_EventStateChgCmp [index].stateDataLenpClock != __nullpTrackAccessor->Valid ()dataLen > 1dataLen == (sizeof (uint8_t) + sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (uint16_t))pTrackData->pNameString != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: CIapLingoDisplayRemote::ProcessCmd invalid cmd: 0x%08X ! warning: assertion failed: ERROR: CIapLingoDisplayRemote::ProcessCmd invalid cmd: 0x%08X ! m_IapConnectionHandle != __null && pRxdPacket->GetDevicePortId() != kIapDevicePortNull && pRxdPacket->GetDevicePortId() < kIapDevicePortCount22CIapLingoDisplayRemotemodelNum < kiPodModelNumCount/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoGeneral.cpppDevPortObj != __nullpDataConnectPort != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: GetPreferredBundleSeedID handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: GetPreferredBundleSeedID handle=%xh pLingoGeneral != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: GetAccessoryCaps handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: GetAccessoryCaps handle=%xh pTxdPacket != 0warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Unknown ACK type %X in AddFIDTokenValueAck warning: assertion failed: Unknown ACK type %X in AddFIDTokenValueAck warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Unknown ACK type %X in AddFIDTokenValue warning: assertion failed: Unknown ACK type %X in AddFIDTokenValue *pData == 0x00pProtMgr != __nulllingoPort < kIapDevicePortCountpPodSysStatus != __nullpMediaVolMgr != __nullpTxdPacket != __null(iPodCertLen > 0) && (iPodCertLen <= maxSectSize)gIapConnectionsEstablished > 0!is30pin || gIap30PinConnectionsEstablished > 0gIapInternalConnectionEstablished > 0info: Released resource for connection: handle=%xh port=%d 30pin=%d count=%d/%d(<=%d/%d) internal=%d info: Connection established: handle=%xh port=%d 30pin=%d count=%d/%d(<=%d/%d) InternalCnt=%d info: No resource to establish connection: handle=%xh port=%d 30pin=%d resID=%d count=%d/%d(<=%d/%d) InternalCnt=%d info: Don't have connection resource, cannot send NotifyOfLingoMessage pData != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleAckTunnelDataToDev timeout before response received ! warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleAckTunnelDataToDev timeout before response received ! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleSetiPodPreferences invalid preference: 0x%02X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleSetiPodPreferences invalid preference: 0x%02X warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::AppRestoreSetting unexpected line out on saved ! warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::AppRestoreSetting unexpected line out on saved ! m_IapGeneralLineOutSettings.saved == falsepPlayer != __null(status == 0) && (certClass < kIapAuthCertDevClassCount)error: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::SetAuthenticationPhase invalid authen major version: %d error: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::SetAuthenticationPhase invalid authen major version: %d pPortObj != __nullpSports != __nullkeyLength >= 16keyLength <= 20status == 0m_PortAuthenState.pAuthenCert != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelControlToiPod invalid control type: 0x%02X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelControlToiPod invalid control type: 0x%02X warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Cannot get GeneralLingo object pointer. Cannot GetDeviceCertClass warning: assertion failed: Cannot get GeneralLingo object pointer. Cannot GetDeviceCertClass pGenLingo != __nullinfo: Cannot get GeneralLingo object pointer. Cannot GetDeviceWWiState. port=%d handle=%xh pHeadsetData != __nullpBuffer != __nullpBuffLen != __null*pBuffLen != 0pHeadsetData->cmdID < kItpHeadsetCmdCountpHeadsetData->infoType < kItpHeadsetDevInfoCountnameBytes <= 32warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: invalid event %d warning: assertion failed: invalid event %d buffLen <= *pBuffLenpHeadsetData->hdr.devPort < kIapDevicePortCountwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Cannot get GeneralLingo object pointer. Cannot TxdTunnelDataToDev. warning: assertion failed: Cannot get GeneralLingo object pointer. Cannot TxdTunnelDataToDev. buffLen != 0(lingoesToDetachMask & (~((1U << (kIapLingoGeneral)) | (1U << (kIapLingoMicrophone)) | (1U << (kIapLingoSimpleRemote)) | (1U << (kIapLingoDisplayRemote)) | (1U << (kIapLingoRemoteUI)) | (1U << (kIapLingoRFTransmitter)) | (1U << (kIapLingoRFTuner)) | (1U << (kIapLingoAccessoryEQ)) | (1U << (kIapLingoSports)) | (1U << (kIapLingoDigitalAudio)) | (1U << (kIapLingoTest)) | (1U << (kIapLingoStorage)) | (1U << (kIapLingoLocation))))) == 0warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: null handle, lingoesToDetachMask=%xhwarning: assertion failed: null handle, lingoesToDetachMask=%xhm_IapConnectionHandle != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: accEndIDPSStatus %X is not supported warning: assertion failed: accEndIDPSStatus %X is not supported (devLingoes & (1U << (kIapLingoGeneral))) == 1setActiveLingoMaskReturn == devLingoessetAllowedLingoMaskReturn == devLingoeswarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No lingo object! lingo=%d warning: assertion failed: No lingo object! lingo=%d pPort != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Cannot get GeneralLingo object pointer. Cannot SetPortIdentifyFail. handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: Cannot get GeneralLingo object pointer. Cannot SetPortIdentifyFail. handle=%xh Apple Component AV CableApple Composite AV CablectaPort < kIapDevicePortCountwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::NotifyEvent invalid accessory resistor ID: %d ! warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::NotifyEvent invalid accessory resistor ID: %d ! m_PowerSource < kIapPowerSourceCounterror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::NotifyEvent bad power source: %d error: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::NotifyEvent bad power source: %d setActiveLingoMaskReturn == lingoMasksetAllowedLingoMaskReturn == lingoAllowm_pAccResistorIDLock != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleGeneralIdentifyPkt invalid lingo: %d ! warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleGeneralIdentifyPkt invalid lingo: %d ! retValm_pAccResistorIDLock == __nullm_pAccResistorIDLockm_piPodSDKDataCountLock == __nullm_piPodSDKDataCountLockm_AccPortInfo.accInfoTimeoutTimerID != CIapIncomingProcess::kIAPInvalidTimerwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Got %d more bytes than requested warning: assertion failed: Got %d more bytes than requested warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Got %d new bytes but had old bytes left over warning: assertion failed: Got %d new bytes but had old bytes left over warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: DevACK for cmdID %X not handled warning: assertion failed: DevACK for cmdID %X not handled cmdData == m_AccResistorIDcmdData < kIapAccIDSerialBasedevPort != kIapDevicePortNullm_pIDPSTimeoutLock != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleCmdTimeout invalid timeout cmd ID: 0x%02X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleCmdTimeout invalid timeout cmd ID: 0x%02X warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelDataToiPod: Invalid tunnel dev info type: 0x%02X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelDataToiPod: Invalid tunnel dev info type: 0x%02X warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelDataToiPod: Invalid tunnel cmdID: 0x%02X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelDataToiPod: Invalid tunnel cmdID: 0x%02X warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelDataToiPod: Invalid tunnel class: %d warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::HandleTxdTunnelDataToiPod: Invalid tunnel class: %d lingoNumber < kIapLingoCountwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed SetActiveLingoMask mask=%xh return=%xh warning: assertion failed: Failed SetActiveLingoMask mask=%xh return=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed SetAllowedLingoMask mask=%xh return=%xh warning: assertion failed: Failed SetAllowedLingoMask mask=%xh return=%xh pMediaLibrary.get()warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::ProcessCmd: RetAccStatusNotification 0x%08X != 0x%08X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::ProcessCmd: RetAccStatusNotification 0x%08X != 0x%08X notificationMask == m_AccPortInfo.accStatusNotifyRequestedinfo: Ret/AccStatus/Notification Power %02xh %02xh info: Ret/AccStatus/Notification Unknown type=%xh data=%02xh %02xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoGeneral::ProcessCmd: Invalid CmdID: 0x%04X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoGeneral::ProcessCmd: Invalid CmdID: 0x%04X 16CIapLingoGeneralwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: LingoMicrophone:DeviceHandle devValid=%d handle=%xh pMicLingo=%xh warning: assertion failed: LingoMicrophone:DeviceHandle devValid=%d handle=%xh pMicLingo=%xh devValid/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoMicrophone.cpppMicLingo!= __null(ctrlType < kIapMicrophoneControlCount) && (ctrlType != kIapMicrophoneControlInputStereoSrc)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Object Pointer, cannot SetDevControlSetting warning: assertion failed: No Object Pointer, cannot SetDevControlSetting warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Object Pointer, cannot GetDevControlSetting warning: assertion failed: No Object Pointer, cannot GetDevControlSetting warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Object Pointer, cannot GetDevCapabilities warning: assertion failed: No Object Pointer, cannot GetDevCapabilities m_devPort < kIapDevicePortCountm_pPortObj != __nulliapEventType < kIapDevicePortCount19CIapLingoMicrophonewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Not valid handle=%xh shuttingDown=%d isInList=%d valid || pIapHandle == __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapConnectionHandle.hwarning: assertion failed: Not valid handle=%xh shuttingDown=%d isInList=%d /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoPortMap.cppThisPortID < kIapDevicePortCountwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: memory leak on port %d ... writing over an existing iap port warning: assertion failed: memory leak on port %d ... writing over an existing iap port (mPortInfo [ThisPortID].PortBase == __null) || (mPortInfo [ThisPortID].PortBase == mPortInfo [kIapDevicePortNull].PortBase)(portOptions & (~(0x00000003U | 0x0000000CU | 0x000000F0U))) == 0ThisPort < kIapDevicePortCountThisLingo < kIapLingoCountwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Handle, cannot register OugoingProcess, obj=%xh warning: assertion failed: No Handle, cannot register OugoingProcess, obj=%xh pIapHandle->GetOutgoingProcessObj() == __nullm_IncomingProcess == __nullm_OutgoingProcess == __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Handle, cannot delete OugoingProcess warning: assertion failed: No Handle, cannot delete OugoingProcess warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Handle, cannot delete IncomingProcess warning: assertion failed: No Handle, cannot delete IncomingProcess pCallback != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Invalid handle(%xh) warning: assertion failed: Invalid handle(%xh) validwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No ctaHandle handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: No ctaHandle handle=%xh ((CIapConnectionHandle*)(handle))->GetCtaHandle() != __nullpOutgoingProcess != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed to get pOutgoingProcess object! handle=%x warning: assertion failed: Failed to get pOutgoingProcess object! handle=%x warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Handle, cannot register IncomingProcess, obj=%xh warning: assertion failed: No Handle, cannot register IncomingProcess, obj=%xh pIapHandle->GetIncomingProcessObj() == __nullpIncomingProcess != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed to get pIncomingProcess object! handle=%x warning: assertion failed: Failed to get pIncomingProcess object! handle=%x warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Invalid devPort=%d, index=%d warning: assertion failed: Invalid devPort=%d, index=%d warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Handle not associated with a portObj! handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: Handle not associated with a portObj! handle=%xh pPortInfo != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Port object does not match! id=%d %xh != %xh warning: assertion failed: Port object does not match! id=%d %xh != %xh pPortInfo->PortBase == ThisPortObjwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Port(%d) is already assigned to handle(%xh) warning: assertion failed: Port(%d) is already assigned to handle(%xh) __null == mPortInfo [ThisPortID].AssignedToHandlewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Port not setup! id=%d warning: assertion failed: Port not setup! id=%d mPortInfo [ThisPortID].PortBase != __nullmPortInfo [ThisPortID].PortBase == ThisPortObjpIapConnection != __nullThisLingoID < kIapLingoCountwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d warning: assertion failed lingoGeneral != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Handle! Cannot delete registered Objects! warning: assertion failed: No Handle! Cannot delete registered Objects! pIapHandle->GetLingoObject(ThisLingoID) == __null || pIapHandle->GetLingoObject(ThisLingoID) == ThisLingoObj16CIapLingoPortMapwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Unknown sort type: 0x%08X ! warning: assertion failed: ERROR: Unknown sort type: 0x%08X ! /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoRemoteUI.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No ExtendedModeMgr handle, cannot get ExtendedMode state! warning: assertion failed: No ExtendedModeMgr handle, cannot get ExtendedMode state! pExtendedModeMgr != __nullm_pExtendedModeMgr != __nulls_pRemoteUILingo != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Cmd0x0029_PlayControl invalid play control: 0x%02X warning: assertion failed: ERROR: Cmd0x0029_PlayControl invalid play control: 0x%02X error: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Unknown database category ! error: assertion failed: ERROR: Unknown database category ! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No RemoteUI Object, cannot handle ExitRemoteUIMode! warning: assertion failed: No RemoteUI Object, cannot handle ExitRemoteUIMode! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No handle, cannot get RemoteUI mode! warning: assertion failed: No handle, cannot get RemoteUI mode! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No RemoteUI Object, cannot get RemoteUI mode! warning: assertion failed: No RemoteUI Object, cannot get RemoteUI mode! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No RemoteUI Object, cannot handle EnterRemoteUIMode! warning: assertion failed: No RemoteUI Object, cannot handle EnterRemoteUIMode! s_pRemoteUILingo->m_remUIDevPort < kIapDevicePortCountpMediaLibSecond.get () != __nullAllSeason %dpTrackAcc != __nullsTrackHandle.Valid()ackStatus == kIapAckStatusCmdOK(pTrackAccessor.get() != __null) && (pTrackAccessor->Valid () != false)m_TrackIndex != 0xFFFFFFFFUnewPowerSource < kIapPowerSourceCounterror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoRemoteUI::NotifyEvent ERROR: Unknown event ! error: assertion failed: CIapLingoRemoteUI::NotifyEvent ERROR: Unknown event ! pTrackAccessor.get() && pTrackAccessor->Valid () != falsemaxPayloadSize > pktLentrackData.infoLen == 4trackData.pNameStringwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: CIapLingoRemoteUI::ProcessCmd Unknown CmdID: 0x%04X warning: assertion failed: ERROR: CIapLingoRemoteUI::ProcessCmd Unknown CmdID: 0x%04X MoviesMusic VideosTV ShowsVideo PodcastsRentals17CIapLingoRemoteUI/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoRFTransmitter.cppm_AttachBeginTxTimer != CIapIncomingProcess::kIAPInvalidTimer22CIapLingoRFTransmitterpDevPortObj == m_pDevPortObj/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoRFTuner.cpp16CIapLingoRFTuner/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoSimpleRemote.cpppOutPkt != __nullm_EventTimerID != CIapIncomingProcess::kIAPInvalidTimerwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ackedCmdID = %X warning: assertion failed: ackedCmdID = %X 21CIapLingoSimpleRemote/1dadstAddrLen <= (3 + 1)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoSports.cppsrcAddrLen <= (3 + 1)pPayload < (((uint8_t*)pBlanFrame) + (28 - 2))payloadLen <= (28 - 2)pBlanFrame != __nullpBuf != __null(pBuf - (uint8_t*)pBlanFrame->blanFrame) <= 28cmdID < kIapSportsEmpedCmdCountsigBuff != __nullgpSportsLingo->m_IapConnectionHandle == __null || gpSportsLingo->m_IapConnectionHandle == handlepStoreLingo != __nullgpSportsLingo->m_SDATimerID != CIapIncomingProcess::kIAPInvalidTimerm_pRxdSemaphore != __nullpDataFrame != __nullm_pDevPortObj != __nulldevPort == m_DevPortm_SDATimerID != CIapIncomingProcess::kIAPInvalidTimerwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoSports::NotifyEvent SDATimer pTxdPkt = NULL warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoSports::NotifyEvent SDATimer pTxdPkt = NULL error: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoSports::NotifyEvent: ERROR: Unknown event: %d ! error: assertion failed: CIapLingoSports::NotifyEvent: ERROR: Unknown event: %d ! gpSportsLingo != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: packet transactionID is zerowarning: assertion failed: packet transactionID is zeropRxdPacket->GetTransID() != 0timeoutStatus == 0pPodGym != __nulluserCount != 015CIapLingoSportsGetProtocolMgr()->GetPortObjFromID(m_DevPort)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoTest.cpp13CIapLingoTestmData != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapMessage.cppN3IAP14IapStopMessageEN3IAP20IapFreeHandleMessageEN3IAP15IapTimerMessageEN3IAP16IapParamsMessageEN3IAP23IapParamsMessagePayloadEN3IAP10IapMessageEpMsg != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapOutgoingProcess.cppmQueuePacketCount[msgPriority] <= ISL::IPodPlatform::kPacketOutMsgQueueSizepTxdPacketwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapOutgoingProcess::ProcessOutgoingPacket: devPort not assigned for packet ! warning: assertion failed: CIapOutgoingProcess::ProcessOutgoingPacket: devPort not assigned for packet ! pPayload != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapOutgoingProcess::HandleMessage: unknown type 0x%08x warning: assertion failed: CIapOutgoingProcess::HandleMessage: unknown type 0x%08x mQueuePacketCount[msgPriority] > 0tempObjwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: 0x%08x warning: assertion failed: 0x%08x /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapSimpleThread.hstatus == 0 || status == 78m_pWorkClass != __nulldata != __nullCIapOutgoingProcessThreadtempthreadwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Could not send stop message to outgoing process thread: this=%xh pMsg=%xh warning: assertion failed: Could not send stop message to outgoing process thread: this=%xh pMsg=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No handle, cannot TransmitPacket! warning: assertion failed: No handle, cannot TransmitPacket! spProtocolManager != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No outgoing process, cannot TransmitPacket! warning: assertion failed: No outgoing process, cannot TransmitPacket! pOutgoing != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: OutgoingProcess shutting down, do not TransmitPacket! warning: assertion failed: OutgoingProcess shutting down, do not TransmitPacket! !pOutgoing->mShuttingDown19CIapOutgoingProcesspBurstPktBuffer != 0/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapPacket.cppm_lingo < kIapLingoCountm_PayloadLen <= GetDevicePortObj()->GetMaxDataPayloadSize(m_lingo)totalPktSize != 0m_pRawPkt != 0m_pPayload10CIapPacket12CIapPortNullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Could not get handle in GetNewInternalPortHandle! portAssigned=%d InternalPortObj=%xh warning: assertion failed: Could not get handle in GetNewInternalPortHandle! portAssigned=%d InternalPortObj=%xh handle != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapProtocolMgr.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Could not get handle in GetHandleForEvent for class=%xh type=%xh warning: assertion failed: Could not get handle in GetHandleForEvent for class=%xh type=%xh pIapHandle != __null || (isDetach) || (isAccID && !isAccIDNotNone) || (isPowerSource && !isPowerSourceExt)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Could not get handle in GetHandleForPacket for packet=%xh port=%d warning: assertion failed: Could not get handle in GetHandleForPacket for packet=%xh port=%d pIapHandle != __nullpiPodPwrCurr != __nullpiPodPwrPrev != __nulldevPort < kIapDevicePortCountgpProtocolMgrwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: GetNewLingoObject could not get lingo object for lingoType=%xh, handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: GetNewLingoObject could not get lingo object for lingoType=%xh, handle=%xh pLingoBase != __nullm_accPowerTimer != 0xFFFFFFFFwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Lingo Object! Cannot process event! warning: assertion failed: No Lingo Object! Cannot process event! pLingoObj != __nullgpProtocolMgr->GetIncomingProcessObjFromHandle(handle) != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No handle! Cannot notify event class=%xh type=%xh mask=%xh warning: assertion failed: No handle! Cannot notify event class=%xh type=%xh mask=%xh paramData != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Handle for event! class=%xh type=%xh warning: assertion failed: No Handle for event! class=%xh type=%xh handle != __null || (isAttachOrDetach && !isAttach) || (isAccID && !isAccIDNotNone) || (isPowerSource && !isPowerSourceExt)ProtocolMgrHandlePortEventsm_timerIncomingProcess != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Not init(%d) or invalid lingo(%d). Cannot process packet! warning: assertion failed: Not init(%d) or invalid lingo(%d). Cannot process packet! (lingo < kIapLingoCount) && (m_InitComplete != false || devPort == kIapDevicePortBluetooth)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No Handle! Cannot process packet! port=%d lingo=%d warning: assertion failed: No Handle! Cannot process packet! port=%d lingo=%d pIncomingProcesswarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapProtocolMgr::CIapProtocolMgr: ERROR: Lingo mask = 0 ! warning: assertion failed: CIapProtocolMgr::CIapProtocolMgr: ERROR: Lingo mask = 0 ! (devMaskLingo != 0x00000000U)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapProtocolMgr::CIapProtocolMgr: Need to add new iPod model support ! warning: assertion failed: CIapProtocolMgr::CIapProtocolMgr: Need to add new iPod model support ! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapProtocolMgr::CIapProtocolMgr: Lingo is defined as both supported and upgrade ! warning: assertion failed: CIapProtocolMgr::CIapProtocolMgr: Lingo is defined as both supported and upgrade ! ((devMaskLingo & devMaskLingoUpgrade) == 0)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No handle, cannot create Lingoes! warning: assertion failed: No handle, cannot create Lingoes! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Null Port! Setting activeMask to NONE. handle=%xh port=%d reqLingoes=%xh warning: assertion failed: Null Port! Setting activeMask to NONE. handle=%xh port=%d reqLingoes=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Couldn't get lingo(%d) object! handle=%xh port=%d warning: assertion failed: Couldn't get lingo(%d) object! handle=%xh port=%d warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed creating all lingo objects requested=%xh mask=%xh successMask=%xh! warning: assertion failed: Failed creating all lingo objects requested=%xh mask=%xh successMask=%xh! successwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Couldn't get lingo(%d) object! handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: Couldn't get lingo(%d) object! handle=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Null Port! Setting allowedMask to NONE. handle=%xh port=%d reqLingoes=%xh warning: assertion failed: Null Port! Setting allowedMask to NONE. handle=%xh port=%d reqLingoes=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed creating all lingo objects requested=%xh mask=%xh success%xh! warning: assertion failed: Failed creating all lingo objects requested=%xh mask=%xh success%xh! gpProtocolMgr != __null15CIapProtocolMgr/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapTimer.cpp/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/THeadset.cpp(payloadSize == sizeof(ItpHeadsetData_t)) || (payloadSize == sizeof(ItpControlData_t))N3ISL8THeadsetElingo == kIapLingoDigitalAudio/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TDigitalAudio.cpppayloadSize == sizeof(IapDigitalAudioData)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: unknown digital audio lingo message %dwarning: assertion failed: unknown digital audio lingo message %dN3ISL13TDigitalAudioEm_pGetAccSampleRateCmdLock/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoDigitalAudio.cppm_pNewiPodTrackInfoLockm_RetAccSampleRateEventTimerID != CIapIncomingProcess::kIAPInvalidTimerm_AccAckEventTimerID != CIapIncomingProcess::kIAPInvalidTimerwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: unknown command warning: assertion failed: unknown command m_DevPort < kIapDevicePortCountm_pPortObjwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: unknown timer warning: assertion failed: unknown timer 21CIapLingoDigitalAudiowarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: WriteiPodFileData XmlSig.Update: status: 0x%08X, size: 0x%08X warning: assertion failed: WriteiPodFileData XmlSig.Update: status: 0x%08X, size: 0x%08X xmlStatus == 0/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoStorage.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Update: %d 0x%08x %d warning: assertion failed: Update: %d 0x%08x %d result == truecmdID < kIapStorageCmdCountpOpenFile->fptr != __nullpOpenFile->feature < kIapStorageFeatureCount%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d%s%d.%d.%d%swriteLen == xmlBuffLensecStatus == truedataLen != 0dataLen == writeLenifsStatus == iFSErr_NoErrorpOpenFile->pXmlSig != __nullpOpenFile->fData != __nullAccessorieswarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo not ok to xmit object=%x handle=%xh warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo not ok to xmit object=%x handle=%xh warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDevCaps warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDevCaps pStorageLingo != __null && iapHandle != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFreeSpace warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFreeSpace warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFileStatus warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFileStatus warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceDirectoryCount warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceDirectoryCount warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send DeleteDeviceFile warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send DeleteDeviceFile warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send CloseDeviceFile warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send CloseDeviceFile warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFileHandle warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFileHandle warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceCaps warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceCaps Tags%lu.plist%lu.p7pIPodGym != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoStorage::OpeniPodFeatureFile invalid feature type: %d !warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoStorage::OpeniPodFeatureFile invalid feature type: %d !pDevPortObjpDatawarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceDirectoryListing warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceDirectoryListing warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send WriteDeviceFileData warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send WriteDeviceFileData m_perPortInfo.pDevPortObj != __nulldevPort == m_perPortInfo.DevPortiapEventType == GetCmdTimerID ()warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: NotifyEvent: handle: %03d, pCurFile: 0x%08X warning: assertion failed: NotifyEvent: handle: %03d, pCurFile: 0x%08X warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFileData warning: assertion failed: StorageLingo object(%x) or handle(%xh) is NULL! Cannot send GetDeviceFileData 16CIapLingoStorage/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapAuthentic/ckutilities.cnumBytes <= (g->capacity * (sizeof(giantDigit)))deserializeGiant/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapAuthentic/feeDigitalSignature.cfrtn == FR_SuccessfeeSigVerifyfeePublicKey: key blob (1)feePublicKey: Bad Public Key Magic NumberfeePublicKey: Bad Key Blob(2)feePublicKey: Bad Key Blob(3)feePublicKey: Bad Key Blob(4)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapAuthentic/giantIntegers.cdest->capacity >= (a->sign + b->sign)(g)->sign <= (g)->capacity(b)->sign <= (b)->capacity(size == 0) || (g->n[size - 1] != 0)w != 0srcgiant != __nulldestgiant != __nullsrcgiant->sign <= destgiant->capacity(destgiant)->sign <= (destgiant)->capacitymulg_commonnormal_addgimulgiaddggtogbitlenpNonceSig != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapAuthentic/IapAuthentic.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Certificate serial number size invalid ! warning: assertion failed: ERROR: Certificate serial number size invalid ! certSerLen == sizeof (IapCertSerialNumber_t)error: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Certificate delimiter01 is invalid ! error: assertion failed: ERROR: Certificate delimiter01 is invalid ! pCertSerNum->delimiter01 == 0xAAerror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Certificate delimiter02 is invalid ! error: assertion failed: ERROR: Certificate delimiter02 is invalid ! pCertSerNum->delimiter02 == 0xAAerror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Certificate delimiter03 is invalid ! error: assertion failed: ERROR: Certificate delimiter03 is invalid ! pCertSerNum->delimiter03 == 0xAAerror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Certificate delimiter04 is invalid ! error: assertion failed: ERROR: Certificate delimiter04 is invalid ! pCertSerNum->delimiter04 == 0xAAerror: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ERROR: Invalid device class ! error: assertion failed: ERROR: Invalid device class ! certLen != 0(ctaCertLingoes & (~((1U << (kIapLingoGeneral)) | (1U << (kIapLingoMicrophone)) | (1U << (kIapLingoSimpleRemote)) | (1U << (kIapLingoDisplayRemote)) | (1U << (kIapLingoRemoteUI)) | (1U << (kIapLingoRFTransmitter)) | (1U << (kIapLingoRFTuner)) | (1U << (kIapLingoAccessoryEQ)) | (1U << (kIapLingoSports)) | (1U << (kIapLingoDigitalAudio)) | (1U << (kIapLingoTest)) | (1U << (kIapLingoStorage)) | (1U << (kIapLingoLocation))))) == 0keyLength == gPortInfo [devPort].keyLengthpDevEntryCur != __nullpDevAuthentic != __nullcmdId < 128authenticState < kIapEventAuthenticationStateCountpDevTable != __nullfFile/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Utilities/iFSFileStream.cFileOpen()13iFSFileStream15iFSMemoryStream/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Utilities/TDateTimeUtils.cinHoursSeparatorinMinutesSeparator%d%c%02d%d%c%02d%c%02dGetModelParams(paramsAsBinary) == kSizeOfModelParams/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/Trainer/PaceModel.cpp%s%08x0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ%ld.%02ld%lu(0 != mSourceStart)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAPAudioSourceIMA4.cpp(0 != mSourceLength)(0 != SourceStart)(0 != LengthInBytes)mCommonChunk->IsValid()N3ISL20iMAAPAudioSourceIMA4E0 != mFormat/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAPAudioSourceWav.cpp0 != mDataSize0 != mDataHeadiMAClipDescr::MakeReady not a WAV headerN3ISL19iMAAPAudioSourceWavEN3ISL23iMAAPDefaultNumComposerEwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: ProcessPositional() failed warning: assertion failed: ProcessPositional() failed /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAudioPromptComposer.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: EffectStream.AddClip() failed warning: assertion failed: EffectStream.AddClip() failed warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: new iMAClipDescrImpl(...) failed warning: assertion failed: new iMAClipDescrImpl(...) failed warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: tempClip.MakeReady() failed warning: assertion failed: tempClip.MakeReady() failed PhraseDictN3ISL26iMAAudioPromptComposerImplEInvalidMetersKilometersMilesTime Units%s %s!mHead && !mTail/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAudioPromptDescr.cppChain.GetHead() && Chain.GetTail()iMAAudioPromptPhraseIDDescr::ReplacePositional asked to replace non existent descrPhrase %d; Positionals = N3ISL27iMAAudioPromptQuantityDescrEN3ISL27iMAAudioPromptPhraseIDDescrEN3ISL19iMAAudioPromptDescrE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAudioPromptManagerImpl.h0 == (~kStateMask & NewState)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAPLoadVoiceCmdPkt.h0 == (~kFlagsMask & Flag)OurMsgID >= AudPromptMsgIDBase/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAudioPromptManager.cppOurMsgID < AudPromptMsgIDEndnot tempComposeriMAAudioPromptManager msg handler threadsAudioPromptMangiMAAudioPromptManagerImpl::~iMAAudioPromptManagerImpl should never be destroyed!!/voices/Resources:Voices:iMAVoices::NumVoices > TypeID_default_voi.xmlnot mVoiceSrcnot mClientMsgTargetnot mClientCmdIDnot mPromptDescr/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAPLoadRenderCmdPkt.hN3ISL25iMAAudioPromptManagerImplEsportsattaboyiter != TokenList.end()/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAGermanQuantityComposer.cppiMAGermanQuantityComposer::ComposeNumber failediMAGermanQuantityComposer::ProcessTimeUnit failsno exception to construct... Error...no cases match! N3ISL25iMAGermanQuantityComposerEiMAAudioPromptDescr::kPhraseIDDescrType == iter->GetType()/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMANumComposerDEDE.cppN3ISL18iMANumComposerDEDEEcurrDescr/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMANumComposerESES.cpp100N3ISL18iMANumComposerESESEN3ISL18iMANumComposerFRFREN3ISL18iMANumComposerITITE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMANumComposerJAJP.cppN3ISL18iMANumComposerJAJPEN3ISL18iMANumComposerZHCNE0 == mTempConstrData->TempPhraseClipList.size()/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAPhraseDict.cppmLockedLoaderClipID == kInvalidClipIDmLockedLoaderHeader == 0mLockedLoaderClipID != kInvalidClipIDClip/Path ID (%d) has no referenceswarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: new ClipHeader[...] failed warning: assertion failed: new ClipHeader[...] failed mPhrasesHeadwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CompleteClipList or GetPhraseHeader failed with 0x%x warning: assertion failed: CompleteClipList or GetPhraseHeader failed with 0x%x mTempConstrData->TempPhraseClipList.size()iMAPhraseDict::InitMemSrc Failed to init mem src!!0 == mVoiceData0 == mTempConstrDataiMAPhraseDict::Init error in Voice type ID (%d) or no memoryiMAPhraseDictFromThisVoiceDatawarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: failed to load %s warning: assertion failed: failed to load %s 0 == mShutDownnot (Stop && mShutDown)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: BG loading assumes for now that clips remain loaded!!! warning: assertion failed: BG loading assumes for now that clips remain loaded!!! (((iMAAPGetLoadType()) & (kiMAAPLoadTypeRetainKeepLoadedFlag)) == (kiMAAPLoadTypeRetainKeepLoadedFlag))ThisClip->AudioClipNeedsLoad()warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: iMAPhraseDict::LoadClip: No find pathID [%d] warning: assertion failed: iMAPhraseDict::LoadClip: No find pathID [%d] warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: iMAPhraseDict::LoadClip: mTempConstrData or mPathData warning: assertion failed: iMAPhraseDict::LoadClip: mTempConstrData or mPathData warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: iMAPhraseDict::LoadClip: failed mClipLoadLock->ReaderLock warning: assertion failed: iMAPhraseDict::LoadClip: failed mClipLoadLock->ReaderLock N3ISL13iMAPhraseDictEN3ISL20iMAQuantComposerESESEUnit->GetNext()/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAQuantComposerFRFR.cppN3ISL20iMAQuantComposerFRFRE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAQuantComposerITIT.cppN3ISL20iMAQuantComposerITITE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAQuantComposerJAJP.cppN3ISL20iMAQuantComposerJAJPEN3ISL20iMAQuantComposerZHCNECannot find a specific language /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMASportsPrompts.cppPositionaliMAAudioPromptDescr::kPhraseIDDescrType == lastUnit->GetType()iMAAudioPromptDescr::kPhraseIDDescrType == lastDigit->GetType()iMASportsPrompts::ProcessSimpleQuantity: ComposeNumber FailediMASportsPrompts::ProcessTimeQuantity: ProcessTimeUnits FailediMASportsPrompts::ProcessTimeQuantity: ComposeNumber failed1BaseDescrLastDigitN3ISL16iMASportsPromptsEmPhraseDict/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAVoiceData.cppiMAVoiceData::AdvanceStateDictReady got unknown action 0x%x iMAVoiceData::AdvanceStateLoadAudioData got unknown action 0x%x iMAVoiceData::AdvanceStateWaitForPaths got unknown action 0x%x iMAVoiceData::AdvanceStateWaitForClips got unknown action 0x%x iMAVoiceData::AdvanceStateWaitForPhraseIDs got unknown action 0x%x iMAVoiceData::AdvanceStateWaitForVoiceHeader got unknown action 0x%x iMAVoiceData::AdvanceStateInit got unknown action 0x%x iMAVoiceData::SetVoiceLanguageID bad stateiMAVoiceData::SetPathString overwriting prev path string!iMAVoiceData::SetPathString bad stateiMAVoiceData::SetPositionalIndex bad stateiMAVoiceData::AddPathID bad stateiMAVoiceData::SetCurrPhraseID bad stateiMAVoiceData::SetVoiceVersion bad stateiMAVoiceData::SetVoiceName bad stateiMAVoiceData::StateMachineCtlr unknown state (%d)iMAVoiceData::ClosePathEntry bad stateiMAVoiceData::ClosePathList bad stateiMAVoiceData::CreatePathList bad stateiMAVoiceData::CloseClipList bad stateiMAVoiceData::CreateClipList bad stateiMAVoiceData::StartPhrases bad stateiMAVoiceData::CloseVoice bad stateiMAVoiceData::StartVoice bad stateiMAVoiceData::SetVoiceType voice type unexpectediMAVoiceData::SetVoiceType bad stateN3ISL12iMAVoiceDataE(GetTagID() == PathStringTagID)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAVoiceFileParseCntxs.cpp(GetTagID() == PhrasesTagID) || (GetTagID() == PhraseTagID)GetTagID() == VoiceLanguageTagID(GetTagID() == VoiceVersionTagID) || (GetTagID() == VoiceNameTagID) || (GetTagID() == VoiceTypeTagID)mParseCtlriMAVoicePhraseParseCntx::ConsumeContent Don't expect chars in phrase itemiMAVoiceSubPathIDParseCntx::ConsumeContent Don't expect chars in Positional itemiMAVoiceHeaderIntParseCntx::ConsumeContent empty content%4dN3ISL27iMAVoicePathStringParseCntxEN3ISL26iMAVoiceSubPathIDParseCntxEN3ISL22iMAVoicePathsParseCntxEN3ISL29iMAVoicePhraseStringParseCntxEN3ISL25iMAVoicePhraseIDParseCntxEN3ISL23iMAVoicePhraseParseCntxEN3ISL26iMAVoiceHeaderIntParseCntxEN3ISL29iMAVoiceHeaderStringParseCntxEN3ISL17iMAVoiceParseCntxEN3ISL18iMAVoiceFileParserEN3ISL23iMAXMLElementSerializerE<N3ISL31iMAXMLElemWithContentSerializerEmSrcFile->GetPosition() > 0/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/XMLParse/iMAXMLFileSrcStream.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed mSrcFile->Seekwarning: assertion failed: Failed mSrcFile->Seek1 == bytesReadwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: new iFSFileStream failed to open file %s warning: assertion failed: new iFSFileStream failed to open file %s N3ISL19iMAXMLFileSrcStreamEN3ISL18iMAXMLiFSOutStreamEiMAXMLOutStreamCntlr::BeginInnermostElemSerializer null mInnermostElemN3ISL20iMAXMLOutStreamCntlrEvector::_M_fill_insertiMAXMLParseCntxLookup::CheckSetTableLength: null table ptr!iMAXMLParseCntxLookup::Init failed to create parse contextdynamic_cast(mParseCtlr)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/XMLParse/iMAXMLParseContext.cppiMAXMLParseContext::CreateTagOutputSerializer iMAXMLOutStreamCntlr->CreateElementSerializer failediMAXMLParseContext::CreateTagOutputSerializer new TString(mParseCtlr->GetParseCntxTagName()) failedN3ISL18iMAXMLParseContextEtempCntlr/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/XMLParse/iMAXMLParseContextIntfce.cppmTagNameN3ISL24iMAXMLParseContextIntfceEiMAXMLParseContextManager::AddContext nil Context paramiMAXMLParseCtlr::ParseLoopEx: Failed to create xmltextreader object N3ISL11TKeyValListEN3ISL12StringKeyValEN3ISL10KeyValPairEwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: workoutDataXMLGenericTagParseCntx::SendDataToConsumers SigData->GetOutStreamCntlr() failedwarning: assertion failed: workoutDataXMLGenericTagParseCntx::SendDataToConsumers SigData->GetOutStreamCntlr() failed/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/XMLSignature/workoutDataXMLGenericTagParseCntx.cppsigDataOutStreamCntlrcurrElemwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: workoutDataXMLrootTagParseCntx::CompleteParseProc sigData->AccumulateC14N() failedwarning: assertion failed: workoutDataXMLrootTagParseCntx::CompleteParseProc sigData->AccumulateC14N() failedwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: workoutDataXMLrootTagParseCntx::CompleteParseProc currElem->GetCompleteTagString() failedwarning: assertion failed: workoutDataXMLrootTagParseCntx::CompleteParseProc currElem->GetCompleteTagString() failed33workoutDataXMLGenericTagParseCntxret/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/XMLSignature/xmlsig.cpphttp://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signaturehttp://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1.tmpiFSExists(filepath)SignatureSignatureValueSignedInfoReferenceDigestValuexmlnsCanonicalizationMethodAlgorithmSignatureMethodURITransformsTransformDigestMethodKeyInfoX509DataX509Certificatewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: 0x%xwarning: assertion failed: 0x%x/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/XMLSignature/xmlSigData.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: XmlSigData::WriteSignature File verification failed skipping signaturewarning: assertion failed: XmlSigData::WriteSignature File verification failed skipping signaturewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Newly generated file hash:warning: assertion failed: Newly generated file hash:warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Original mem hash:warning: assertion failed: Original mem hash:warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: XmlSigData::CompleteSignedFile WriteSignature() failed or root tag not ready for signaturewarning: assertion failed: XmlSigData::CompleteSignedFile WriteSignature() failed or root tag not ready for signature10XmlSigDatamTotalBuffer/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Source/iFSAlignedBuffer.cpp/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Source/iFSDirectoryIterator.cppUNMOUNT ERROR: Open Directory Iterator '%s'20iFSDirectoryIterator!mMounted/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Source/iFSFileSystem.cpp13iFSFileSystemipodresourcesphotos/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Source/iFSFileSystem_POSIX.cppfileNum > -1(status == 0)19iFSFileSystem_POSIXcurrTokenCount == prevTokenCount - 1/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Source/iFSPath.cpp9iFSVolume22iFSLockingVolumeClient15iFSVolumeClientTrainerWorkoutsN3ISL4TGymEpreferences.xmlGymUserSettingsUserIDWeightAgeGenderUnitsRecordingPrefsynchedlatestsettings.plistplistdictkeyscreennameNewUserGymSettingsUserCountCurrentUserIndexGymUsersScreenName(newID == 0) || ValidRemoteSourceTypeValue(remoteSourceType)/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TSports.cppinBuffer != __null && inLen > 0err == iFSErr_NoErrorTSports::RecalculateMode(): Unknown modeTSports::GetReceiveWindowDuration: Unhandled case.CIapLingoSports::SetSportsModeCIapLingoSports::SetRxdWindowTimingCIapLingoSports::SetFilterListTTrainer_iPod_Plugin::UpdateFilterList: Address filtering not supported/Deleting A45 file. Request to start write process. Request to start write process after deletion. Starting write process. Have gotten file handle. Start write Wireless receiver file size: %d Writing data. Bytes to write: %d Total bytes written: %d Closing file. newPath%y%m%d%H%M%STurnOffFiltering: unknown sourceType parameter valueTSports::TurnOnFiltering: Address filtering not supportedNew mode: %xTSports::::IPodSportsComm::kSourceTypeAll: set listening window not supportedTSports::SetListenContinuous: set listening mode not supportedpm != __nullpm!=__nullfWirelessRcvrFileSize <= fMaxFileSizeToo many files: found %dFile needs to get fatter: size is %dFile needs Jenny-Craig: size is %dserializer != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerApp::ReadDeviceInfoFile() Unknown version: %s warning: assertion failed: TTrainerApp::ReadDeviceInfoFile() Unknown version: %s pSportsData != 0Pairing emped Found emped with address = %lx, previous = %lx Found one! Found multiple! Pairing remote Signaling remote was found. linkDataiFSErr_NoError == iFSMakeDirectory(path)!fAreReadingiFSExists(linkDataOnDisk)linkDataSize >= 0x3C && linkDataSize < 0xFFFF00000000000bytesRead == linkDataSizeN3ISL7TSportsE01.00.00capabilities != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TStorage.cppname != __nulllingo == kIapLingoStorageDirectory count: %d N3ISL8TStorageEmFile.mSize > startByte/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Includes/iFS/Source/iFSFile.cppiFSErr_NoError == statusmBufferObjUNMOUNT ERROR: Open File '%s'iFSFile::Seek Bad offset type(err == iFSErr_Unsupported) || (err == iFSErr_NoError && eof == mSize)iFSFile::Open %s err=iFSErr_BadVolumeiFSFile::Open %s err=iFSErr_ReadOnlyfile != 0ERROR: FILE %s IS ALREADY OPEN FOR WRITINGERROR: FILE %s IS ALREADY OPEN, CAN'T OPEN FOR WRITINGiFSFile::Open %s err=%d iter != mDeblockBuffers.end()status(mPosition % mCacheSize) == 0bytesWritten % mCacheSize == 0bytesToWrite < mCacheSizemPosition % mCacheSize == 0bytesRead % mCacheSize == 0bytesToRead < mCacheSize7iFSFile0 != mBasePtr/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAPAIFCFileFormatTraverse.cppformChunk.IsValid()0 != audioSource/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAClipDescrImpl.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Can't get aud source in non audio clip! warning: assertion failed: Can't get aud source in non audio clip! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Not Positional!! warning: assertion failed: Not Positional!! 0 != mCurrClipwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Invalid clip data header warning: assertion failed: Invalid clip data header warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: No ParentPhrase warning: assertion failed: No ParentPhrase warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: iMAClipDescrImpl::MakeReady: bad clip warning: assertion failed: iMAClipDescrImpl::MakeReady: bad clip warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: MakeReady on invalid mCurrClip warning: assertion failed: MakeReady on invalid mCurrClip N3ISL16iMAClipDescrImplEwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::PlayChain: RenderPrompt returned %u warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::PlayChain: RenderPrompt returned %u /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/Trainer/TTrainerVoiceMgr.cppsVoicePromptInfos[inPromptID].promptID == inPromptIDfpTriggerData != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetWorkoutCaloriesGoal: Not a calorie-based workout.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetWorkoutCaloriesGoal: Not a calorie-based workout.category == ISL::kTemplateCategoryCaloriewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetWorkoutTimeGoalMS: Not a time-based workout.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetWorkoutTimeGoalMS: Not a time-based workout.category == ISL::kTemplateCategoryTime../../iSL/Includes/Trainer/TTrainerVoiceMgr.hwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetWorkoutDistanceGoalNative: Not a distance-based workout.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetWorkoutDistanceGoalNative: Not a distance-based workout.category == ISL::kTemplateCategoryDistwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetExceededTimeString: haven't reached goal.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetExceededTimeString: haven't reached goal.elapsed >= goalwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetRemainingTimeString: exceeded goal.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetRemainingTimeString: exceeded goal.elapsed <= goalfpPromptMgrfpPromptComposer == __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: LoadVoice(%s) failed. warning: assertion failed: LoadVoice(%s) failed. warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::EnsureVoiceLoaded: Unknown voice setting. warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::EnsureVoiceLoaded: Unknown voice setting. warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetCaloriesExceededString: haven't exceeded goal.calories >= goal%uwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetCaloriesExceededString: haven't exceeded goal.fpTriggerDatawarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetGoal: Unknown workout category.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetGoal: Unknown workout category.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetCaloriesRemainingString: exceeded goal.calories <= goalwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetCaloriesRemainingString: exceeded goal.fpRunDataModel != __nullfpTemplateModel != __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetUnitsForListItem: Unknown units: %swarning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetUnitsForListItem: Unknown units: %swarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetUnitsForListItem: Unknown prompt trigger: %s.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetUnitsForListItem: Unknown prompt trigger: %s.mwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetDistanceExceededString(roundEnabled, roundValue): haven't exceeded goal.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetDistanceExceededString(roundEnabled, roundValue): haven't exceeded goal.distance >= goalwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetDistanceRemainingString: exceeded goal.warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::GetDistanceRemainingString: exceeded goal.distance <= goalfpTemplateinVoiceMgr != __nullinTemplate != __nullfpTriggerData == __nullwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: PlayInternalPrompt: Unhandled ID warning: assertion failed: PlayInternalPrompt: Unhandled ID warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: TTrainerVoiceMgr::AddPromptByPromptID: Unknown prompt ID (%d) warning: assertion failed: TTrainerVoiceMgr::AddPromptByPromptID: Unknown prompt ID (%d) size == 1HandleAudioPromptMessage: Error %d newComposerfpPromptComposerTTrainerVoiceMgr::HandleAudioPromptMessage: Unhandled case 16TTrainerVoiceMgrN16TTrainerVoiceMgr11TriggerDataEeveryNsecseveryNdisteveryNcalratNsecsatNdistatNcalrpaulalanceonStoponDemmalefemaleUnknown voice prompt ID = %s %xTTrainerTemplateEx::GetGoalUnits: Unknown goal units: %s/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/Trainer/TTrainerTemplate.cppCould not find a Short Title for language %s (English = %s) strcmp((const char *)pRoot->name,kXMLRootName)==0XML::ValidateXMLDeclaration(pDoc->children , kXMLDeclarationVersionValue , kXMLDeclarationEncodingValue)strcmp((const char *)vpPtr->name, kXMLVPLIName)==0strcmp((const char *)vpIDptr->name, kXMLVPIDName)==018TTrainerTemplateExtemplate1.0UTF-8tmplIDformatVertmplVercategorysortHinttitleListtitlelangshortTitleListshortTitlegoalunitsvpListvpTypetriggerTypevpLItriggerValuevpIDpromptIDvpStartvpEndvpTimevpTimeRemvpTimeContextvpOnDemandTimevpSummaryTimevpDistvpDistRemvpDistContextvpOnDemandDistvpSummaryDistvpCalvpCalRemvpCalContextvpOnDemandCalvpSummaryCalvpPacevpOnDemandPacevpSummaryPacevpHalfvpGoalvpFinalRushDistRem400vpFinalRushDistRem300vpFinalRushDistRem200vpFinalRushDistRem100vpFinalRushTimeRem4vpFinalRushTimeRem3vpFinalRushTimeRem2vpFinalRushTimeRem1vpFinalRushCalRem80vpFinalRushCalRem60vpFinalRushCalRem40vpFinalRushCalRem30vpFinalRushCalRem20vpFinalRushCalRem10%d.%s::isdigit(*pFracPartWalker)../../Support/Includes/TBase10FixedPoint.h0.01warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: mClipDescr null!! warning: assertion failed: mClipDescr null!! /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../PlatformSpecific/P2/Source/AudQuSoundEffectStreamImpl.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Tried to lock chain when mAudClipListFirst == 0 warning: assertion failed: Tried to lock chain when mAudClipListFirst == 0 retVal == 0warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: odd sized packet at end of clip warning: assertion failed: odd sized packet at end of clip AudQuSoundEffectStreamImpl::AudQuBufferCallbackHandler AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer returned(0x%x) mSessionInitmRespMsgTargwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: LockChainForPlay(false) failed warning: assertion failed: LockChainForPlay(false) failed warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: AudioQueueGetProperty failed!! warning: assertion failed: AudioQueueGetProperty failed!! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Got property change but not playing!! warning: assertion failed: Got property change but not playing!! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: LockChainForPlay failed warning: assertion failed: LockChainForPlay failed warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: prefill buffs failed warning: assertion failed: prefill buffs failed warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: failed to start queue warning: assertion failed: failed to start queue warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: failed to set volume or add listener or prefill buffers warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Got called to play but state not right!warning: assertion failed: Got called to play but state not right!warning: assertion failed: failed to set volume or add listener or prefill buffers AudQuSoundEffectStreamImpl msg handler threadwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: AudioSessionSetProperty failed!!warning: assertion failed: AudioSessionSetProperty failed!!warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: AudioSessionInitialize failed!!warning: assertion failed: AudioSessionInitialize failed!!warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Unknown message type warning: assertion failed: Unknown message type kPlayStateInSetup == mPlayStateAudQuSoundEffectStreamImpl::Play failed start queue (0x%x) NewClipwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Unsupported clip format warning: assertion failed: Unsupported clip format !mQueuewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: AudioQueueAllocateBuffer failed (0x%x)warning: assertion failed: AudioQueueAllocateBuffer failed (0x%x)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: AudioQueueAddPropertyListener failed (0x%x)warning: assertion failed: AudioQueueAddPropertyListener failed (0x%x)warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: AudioQueueNewOutput failed (0x%x)warning: assertion failed: AudioQueueNewOutput failed (0x%x)26AudQuSoundEffectStreamImplimpl/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../PlatformSpecific/P2/Source/iMAAPSoundEffectStream.cppmInternalsN3ISL22iMAAPSoundEffectStreamE18iMAVoiceHeapMemSrcinfo: New RSSI Value = %d info: Moving from state %08lx to %08lx error: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Invalid argument to StartSensorSearch: sourceType = %derror: assertion failed: Invalid argument to StartSensorSearch: sourceType = %d/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/Trainer/TSportsComm_BT.cppsource == kSourceTypeEmped || source == kSourceTypeRemotefEmpedSrcAddrfRemoteSrcAddrinfo: Attempt to connect to %d but we're already connected. Just returning. info: Cannot connect while we're scanning. gScanning = %d info: Connecting to linked emped info: Connecting to linked remote warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Attempt to StartWorkout without being linked warning: assertion failed: Attempt to StartWorkout without being linked IsLinked(kSourceTypeEmped)info: StartWorkout info: StopSensorSearch warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Attempt to StartSensorSearch (sourceType = %d) without being linked warning: assertion failed: Attempt to StartSensorSearch (sourceType = %d) without being linked IsLinked(sourceType)info: StartSensorSearch info: StopSensorLinking error: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: We shouldn't be here. This means the run loop didn't get a source added to it.error: assertion failed: We shouldn't be here. This means the run loop didn't get a source added to it.info: StopWorkout info: BT Powering on! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed to power on BT.warning: assertion failed: Failed to power on BT.info: BT Powering off! warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Shutting down BT Power without being in idle state. Don't do that! Very bad! warning: assertion failed: Shutting down BT Power without being in idle state. Don't do that! Very bad! GetHighLevelState() == kHLS_Idlewarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Failed to power off BT.warning: assertion failed: Failed to power off BT.info: Source %d connection failed... No retry since it wasn't in connecting state info: Source %d connection failed... Retrying info: Source %d connected info: Source %d was not in state kSourceConnecting. Assume it was aborted early. Disconnecting now info: Detected a new sensor with srcAddr: %d but we're not looking for sensors anymore. Toss it. info: Detected a new sensor with srcAddr: %d info: BTSession has been terminated info: Sending TSportsComm_BT::evReady notification info: Power state changed to %d info: BTSession is ready and initialized info: Source %d disconnected GetHighLevelState() == kHLS_SearchingnewState == kShoeSensorTimeout || newState == kShoeSensorFoundGetHighLevelState() == kHLS_Linkinginfo: Linking_Finished: Multiple sensors found info: Linking_Finished: Found one sensor info: Linking_Finished: Sensor search timed out info: Retrieved FGSN: %s info: Received an invalid packet! info: Received an emped packet! info: Received an remote packet! info: Linking_FoundSensors: Multiple sensors found info: Linking_FoundSensors: one sensor found info: Linking_FoundSensors: Sensor search timed out (newID == 0) || fpSports->ValidRemoteSourceTypeValue(remoteSourceType)info: StartSensorLinking N3ISL14TSportsComm_BTEinfo: %sAMP+ remote turned on AMP+ remote turned off retryConnect BTDeviceConnect failed : %i Waiting for connectionStateChanging Timed out while waiting for connection state changes to finish in waitForConnectionStateChanges() Done waiting for connectionStateChanging disconnectFromDevice BTDeviceDisconnect failed : %i %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02xconnectToDevice: %s BTDeviceAddressFromString failed : %i BTDeviceFromAddress failed : %i BTDeviceSetVirtualType failed : %i Waiting for scanning to finish Timed out while waiting for scanning to finish in waitForScanningStateChanges() Scanning finished! Timed out while waiting to finish initializing the session in waitForBTSetupComplete() retryScan BTDiscoveryAgentStartScan failed : %i stopScan BTDiscoveryAgentDestroy failed : %i status event: %d, result = %d Found a device: %s %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%xFinished handling: %s startScan BTDiscoveryAgentCreate failed : %i BTDiscoveryAgentGetDevices failed : %i Discovery event: %d Timed out while waiting for power changes to finish in isPowerOn() BTLocalDeviceGetModulePower failed : %i localDeviceStatusEvent event: %d, result %d Connection event service=%d eventType=%d event=%d result=%d Handsfree connected, turning off AMP+ remote Handsfree disconnected, turning on AMP+ remote Signalling connectionStateChanging BTLocalDeviceGetDefault failed : %i BTLocalDeviceAddCallbacks failed : %i BTServiceAddCallbacks failed : %i %s-bt-%d-%dcom.apple.trainerERROR %s:%s - %d BTSessionAttach failed : %i /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/Trainer/TSportsComm_BT_Helpers.mmsessionEventCallback event: %d, result = %d, ctx->session = %lx Timed out while waiting for power changes to finish in setBTPower() Powering up BT BT Chip is already powered on, no need to wait for callback ERROR %s:%s - %d BTLocalDeviceSetModulePower failed : %i Powering down BT BT Chip is already powered off, no need to wait for callback setUpBTsetBTPowerinfo: Using TSportsComm_IAP info: Using TSportsComm_BT N3ISL14IPodSportsCommEsourceType == kSourceTypeEmped/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/Trainer/TSportsComm_IAP.cppN3ISL15TSportsComm_IAPEwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: bad state to SetAudioSourcewarning: assertion failed: bad state to SetAudioSource/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/AudioPrompts/iMAAPClipHeader.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: Can't set positional index on non positional!! warning: assertion failed: Can't set positional index on non positional!! 0xffffffff != PathIDwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: mlock failed errno [%s] warning: assertion failed: mlock failed errno [%s] /SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../PlatformSpecific/P2/Source/iMAAPAudioSource.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: munlock failed errno [%s] warning: assertion failed: munlock failed errno [%s] mActiveSource(0 == mActiveSource)-1 != mFileNumwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: LockFileMap failed warning: assertion failed: LockFileMap failed warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: InitParser failedwarning: assertion failed: InitParser failedwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: UnlockFileMap failedwarning: assertion failed: UnlockFileMap failedwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: munmap failed errno [%s], size [%d] mFileNum [%d] warning: assertion failed: munmap failed errno [%s], size [%d] mFileNum [%d] warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: mmap failed errno [%s], size [%d] mFileNum [%d] warning: assertion failed: mmap failed errno [%s], size [%d] mFileNum [%d] fileInfo.st_size < 0xfffffffffileInfo.st_size > 0warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: failed [%s] fstat error [%s] warning: assertion failed: failed [%s] fstat error [%s] warning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: file [%s] failed open. Error [%s] warning: assertion failed: file [%s] failed open. Error [%s] N3ISL16iMAAPAudioSourceE/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TMicrophoneShared.cppN3ISL17TMicrophoneSharedEwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: attempting to write more bytes (%ld) than instructed (%ld) warning: assertion failed: attempting to write more bytes (%ld) than instructed (%ld) length <= fWriteBytesAvailable/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TExternalAccessory.cppN3ISL18TExternalAccessoryEpLocMsg != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../IAP/Source/IapLingoLocation.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: CIapLingoLocation::NotifyEvent unknown event class: 0x%04X warning: assertion failed: CIapLingoLocation::NotifyEvent unknown event class: 0x%04X sectCur == sectMaxpLocMsg->msg.locData.data.locPoint. gpsWeekNum <= 0x01FFFUpLocMsg->msg.locData.data.locPoint. gpsWeekTimeMs <= 0x240C83FFUbuffLen >= 16buffLen >= sizeof (pLocMsg->msg.locData.data.ephRefresh)pLocMsg->msg.locData.data.gpsWeekTime. gpsWeekNum <= 0x01FFFUpLocMsg->msg.locData.data.gpsWeekTime. gpsWeekTimeMs <= 0x240C83FFUbuffLen >= 6pLocMsg != &locMsg17CIapLingoLocationinfo: (0x%08lx) location accessory ready fSystemCapsValid/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TLocationDevice_IAP.cppinfo: (0x%08lx) location accessory calling GetDevControl(System) info: (0x%08lx) location accessory calling GetDevControl(NmeaGps) info: (0x%08lx) location accessory calling GetDevControl(LocAssist) info: (0x%08lx) location accessory calling GetDevCaps(System) info: (0x%08lx) location accessory calling GetDevCaps(NmeaGps) info: (0x%08lx) location accessory calling GetDevCaps(LocAssist) N3ISL19TLocationDevice_IAPEppTxdPackets [index] != 0/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../Source/Shared/IAP/TTransport.cppburstSizeBytes != 0burstLen != 0N3ISL13IPodTransportEwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: MessageQueueThreaded::SendMsg: MessageQueue::Send failedwarning: assertion failed: MessageQueueThreaded::SendMsg: MessageQueue::Send failed/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/MessageQueueThreadedImplP2.cppwarning: assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d: MessageQueueThreaded::SendMsg: dropping message as shutting downwarning: assertion failed: MessageQueueThreaded::SendMsg: dropping message as shutting downmsg != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TArray.cGetAllocationCount() >= (uint32)GetElementCount()element != __nullnewStoragetheComparatorIsIndexValid(inAtIndex)(theSourceAddress >= GetElementStorage(0)) && (theSourceAddress <= GetElementStorage(GetElementCount() - 1))(theDestAddress >= GetElementStorage(0)) && (theDestAddress <= GetElementStorage(GetElementCount() - 1))theIndex < GetElementCount()6TArray/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TArrayIterator.c(why == TArray::iterationInvalid_ArraySorted) || (why == TArray::iterationInvalid_ArrayDied)readCount <= fReadLength/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TBufferedStream.cfBufferMark + count <= fBufferCountfBufferCount >= fBufferMarkfBuffer != __null15TBufferedStream/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TByteString.cTByteString::GetByteSize: bad countTByteString::Truncate: bad indexTByteString::Set: bad countTByteString::Right: bad countTByteString::Insert: bad indexTByteString::Mid: bad indexTByteString::Mid: bad count/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TComparator.c(longSizeOne == longSizeTwo) && (longSizeOne == sizeof(int32))15TLongComparator11TComparatorAssertion failed: '%s == noErr' (%s = %ld) file: %s line: %d Assertion failed: '%s' file: %s line: %d previousCount >= 1/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TObject.cmShareCount == 013TSharedObject7TObjectlp/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TPrintf.c0123456789ABCDEF/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TSerializer.cbytesRead == lendataSize == lenbytesWritten == len/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TStdLib.c/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TStream.c7TStreaminBufferSize > 0/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TString.cfBuffer(ch1 & 0xC0) == 0x80(ch2 & 0xC0) == 0x80TString::GetPrevUTF8Char: invalid UTF-8 characters (too big or malformed) before 0x%08lXTString::GetNextUTF8Char: invalid UTF-8 characters in string at 0x%08lX (around 0x%08lX) TString::GetNextUTF8Char: invalid UTF-8 characters (too big or malformed) at 0x%08lX TString::GetByteSize: bad countTString::GetAt: bad indexTString::Truncate: bad indexbuffer != __nulllength >= countTString::Set: bad countTString::Delete: bad indexTString::Delete: bad countTString::Insert: bad index(int32)(newByteSize - offset - 1) >= 0TString::SetAt: bad indexTString::Insert: string is not valid UTF-8TString::Set: string is not valid UTF-8TString::Right: bad countTString::Set: string is not valid ASCIITString::Left: bad countinString != __null/SourceCache/iap/iap-318/iSL/Projects/../../Support/Platforms/P2/TStringIterator.c19MessageQueueHandler66#(00٠0  *H 0b1 0 UUS10U  Apple Inc.1&0$U Apple Certification Authority10U Apple Root CA0 070214221753Z 220214221753Z0w1 0 UUS10U  Apple Inc.1&0$U Apple Certification Authority1+0)U"Apple iPod Certification Authority0"0  *H 0 ޮC>%PG#CJo^(@eˆв (H@P>1Jm0VBxmH.wBtGTPBh&I k!] ]ZQA^El!y"@Vٗpq8,G78c9䒘+?*10  *H  *H 0?0' 0  *H 01 0 UUS10U Apple Computer, Inc.1-0+U $Apple Computer Certificate Authority1)0'U Apple Root Certificate Authority0 060512205309Z 210512205309Z01 0 UUS10U Apple Computer, Inc.1-0+U $Apple Computer Certificate Authority1503U,Apple iPod Accessories Certificate Authority0"0  *H 0 +ZC':~ĸJ6EaOQן"c PI.MVO9&ٳWQ:c͛7iޣ8iA@/!%j. 9>)ike4 `( j^8af|>0wק헞ohʼnueCgNw@_H?#EhR s+5+Fx謷=ZvOaHJͫSMN5WdZ_R!iJ+0?7Vn\q(00U0U00UɪkvO'.;0U#0+iGv k.@GM^0CU<0:08642http://www.apple.com/certificateauthority/root.crl0  *H tz~\uӊ& d]F'wßcfO VK-0aTŭC3#!˽5_1 9(U#x$ $:|ՆW1bO^K @pwYekT%7|I<=.A}_/LnO6}VlႠ 3^b%}I=}"|4L@qxf߮;000  *H 0b1 0 UUS10U  Apple Inc.1&0$U Apple Certification Authority10U Apple Root CA0 070214221808Z 220214221808Z01 0 UUS10U  Apple Inc.1&0$U Apple Certification Authority1705U.Apple iPod Accessories Certification Authority0"0  *H 0 =JZ>tx2ߪ;7q($6?М] AܰبFք4xc z`@ߺEAx-*y۵U,6!n9vZ]jw\+p]#yב85y%uq5~MaQuɥNLt/kWF00U0U00UKC+a@0U#0+iGv k.@GM^06U/0-0+)'%http://www.apple.com/appleca/root.crl0  *H =adÆ'?Pw }TRH]) Ӂȣasȼ-9'{:xL6~lO"# { Za!tzkc@w#+)\ZBB.OnO\\e}Z(+i_v/AWp,mFX@rԎ#  N4OSAL3KAL9TimeOfDayEN3ISL13IPodIAPPacketE13CIapAuthenticN3ISL23IPodEventLoopbackSenderEN3ISL17IPodPowerListenerEN3ISL20IPodPlatformListenerE757?55?5 5 ?]=?]_?]?_?__N3ISL11IPodHeadsetEN3ISL16IPodDigitalAudioE@+.>"V]}D6XmlSigOL\WeSR3м|PPV^$9|D??eD7Q/ D2#uĩeTFZ'P%TI(d3pʾÚ.ƞ@aDqXmCp^v8DUFMSEc# Pp P\DR.VY#_Er"R<^Y!Lm*mbzKt. 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